'13 JK D44 rear, D30 front, sport tcase.

Posting these item for sale was never my sole intent for becoming a member on here. I had intended on becoming part of a community that shares info and experiences. Opinion and or suggestion. A place I could find answers to problems and hopeful help find answers to other people's question or problem. I would have just appreciated maybe being guided to the proper way of things on here. But with this current reseption. I am just being attacked or at least feel like I am. And if you don't want your community to grow with new members and jeep owners. Then I will happily leave you be. And I will just have to hope there is different place to try again. Just please in the future try and teach your new member don't do this to them.

This is an awesome private forum with a lot of great people. People come here DAILY to sell shit. Time will tell if you're just here for that or not. You will not have luck selling here, let alone a sleeved d30 axle. Good luck. And I hope you have thick skin and a great sense of humor.

This will be my last post on this thread regarding the rules. May the force be with you.
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That's what I'm saying I read the rules what rule did I break please point it out? I'm not being sarcastic I seriously don't know what rule you say I broke?
That's what I'm saying I read the rules what rule did I break please point it out? I'm not being sarcastic I seriously don't know what rule you say I broke?

Your first post is to sell shit. Have anything else to offer this community besides your used shit you no longer want?
That's what I'm saying I read the rules what rule did I break please point it out? I'm not being sarcastic I seriously don't know what rule you say I broke?

Since you seem to be trying I will explain it.

Your first post was to sell you stuff after joining yesterday. All signs point to you coming here to sell stuff only. If that is not your intent then drop it and join the forum. Only time will actually tell.
A nicer " hey bud your new here maybe u should give us a wave " would have been much more respectful way of doing that. Common curtesy ? Well what is this world coming to?

Pretty sure the rules you acknowledged was the nice way. Though I may be mistaken.
Since you seem to be trying I will explain it.

Your first post was to sell you stuff after joining yesterday. All signs point to you coming here to sell stuff only. If that is not your intent then drop it and join the forum. Only time will actually tell.

Wow.....Are you feeling Ok? I think you might need to lie down.
Wow.....Are you feeling Ok? I think you might need to lie down.

I'm actually proud of over lander ha. Cause what the op dosent know, and neither do I accept reading ha, his ass could be getting chewed. Now maybe everyone should give op a chance and if he dosent refrain, than y'all fix his ass up and I will get a bag of chips hahaha
Since you seem to be trying I will explain it.

Your first post was to sell you stuff after joining yesterday. All signs point to you coming here to sell stuff only. If that is not your intent then drop it and join the forum. Only time will actually tell.

Wow.....Are you feeling Ok? I think you might need to lie down.

I'm actually proud of over lander ha. Cause what the op dosent know, and neither do I accept reading ha, his ass could be getting chewed. Now maybe everyone should give op a chance and if he dosent refrain, than y'all fix his ass up and I will get a bag of chips hahaha

I thought the same thing. That's the nicest thing Overlander has every said. Almost brings a tear to my eye. But on second thought, maybe we should call a doctor.....
Since you seem to be trying I will explain it.

Your first post was to sell you stuff after joining yesterday. All signs point to you coming here to sell stuff only. If that is not your intent then drop it and join the forum. Only time will actually tell.


Might want to get a once over at the ER.
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