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  1. Jaybird 11

    Co2 tank rotting tires?

    No pics. They said it happened a long time ago. There has been a few deals on craiglist for co2 tanks ill prob pic one up. I have most of the stuff to do a york compressor but i just dont air down that much. A york would take alot more work to get going.
  2. Jaybird 11

    Co2 tank rotting tires?

    Yeah it sounds like a bunch of crap to me. Had to be something else causing the prob. I figured if nobody on here ever had any trouble with it I should be safe.
  3. Jaybird 11

    Co2 tank rotting tires?

    Yeah it does. I dont do alot of air up and down. A co2 tank would be a simple tool for me.
  4. Jaybird 11

    Co2 tank rotting tires?

    I had a guy tell me that he used a co2 tank to air up his tires and it rotted his tires from the inside out. Any one on here ever have this prob?
  5. Jaybird 11

    Post your old iron

    Wow! Thats a clean one!
  6. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : MOAB - IT STARTS AGAIN / Part 4 - EVO Triple Threat Trail Run

    Man that looked like the best time ever! Now i realy cant wait to go there. Thanks for all your hard work making these videos for us. You guys realy cranked them out fast!
  7. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : MOAB - IT STARTS AGAIN / Part 1 - JL Wranglers on Gold Bar Rim & Golden Spike

    Nice job with the video! You guys have a real gift when it comes to making them. I realy like the way the hitch stinger worked. There will be one on my cj when we go to moab in july.
  8. Jaybird 11

    Forest find Bronco

    Toms bronco parts medford oregon Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  9. Jaybird 11

    The right timing / Barn find 86 CJ7 - guide me...

    Looks great! I have to do the windshield seal on mine to. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  10. Jaybird 11

    Post your old iron

    Cool ride! I like the rear part of the cage you put on. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  11. Jaybird 11

    VIDEO : A Quick Spin in the Morning Snow - RUBICAT's REBELLION

    So cool! One of my fav things to do in my jeep is to play in the fresh snow. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  12. Jaybird 11

    show your jeep in snow

    got to play in the snow for a while today. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  13. Jaybird 11

    Black cj build

    Rear swap going on today Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  14. Jaybird 11

    Post your old iron

    Cool J truck. Id love to see more of it. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  15. Jaybird 11

    NEW VIDEO : SIBLING RIVALRY – Moby & Rubicat on the Fordyce Trail

    Man that was a cool video. One of my fav that you guys have done. Love hearing the jeeps work over the rocks with the music. Great job! Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  16. Jaybird 11

    CJ buggy build

    Sttarting to look like a jeep now!👍 Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  17. Jaybird 11


    Nice. Glad to see another cj5 on here. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  18. Jaybird 11

    '90 Grand Wagoneer Project

    Cool waggy! Nice to see a fsj on here. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  19. Jaybird 11

    The Rizzo Project

    Pretty clean cj to start with. Those little v6 run pretty sweet. Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
  20. Jaybird 11

    NEW VIDEO : HEART & SOUL - A Moab Vacation with the Engineers from Jeep [Part-2]

    Any chance you can give more details on Jims cj7? Sent from my SM-G920V using WAYALIFE mobile app
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