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  1. Bizcuit


    Here’s the first fit. I shortened as much as I could but wanted to retain the stock appearance of the beds interior.
  2. Bizcuit


    With the bed liner, I think this is my first and last.
  3. Bizcuit


    Here’s some shots of the prepping to cut.
  4. Bizcuit


    I’m currently waiting on parts but there’s plenty to do so I’m going to start with bed . My last Jeep was a Wrangler and I didn’t care for the tire hanging off of the back, and with the Gladiator I think there’s too much overhang. So I’m hoping to get a compromise in this project. I’d like to...
  5. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    Talked with PSC and they said I need the 8in ram, and they’re going to send it out today. Kelvin said the cooler is tight, but it fits. After working the bracket I was able to move it within 1/4 in of the condenser, and he was right. It’s about the same distance from the grill so all is well...
  6. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    So what am I looking at here, mounts to the cross bar, hangs below radiator, right behind sway bar? Rubicon?
  7. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    I did cut the tabs. Taking the honeycomb part of the grill out did gain about 1/2 inch of additional movement. I can slip my fingers behind the cooler bracket, which clearance could be reduced but I still don’t think it’s enough. I’ll get it, I was hoping someone here has come across this...
  8. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    Here’s a photo of what I received, and how far off the grill is to fitting when resting on the cooler. I’ve seen other coolers that they offer, that appear to be about 8 inches square and thinner. I think that would solve my issue. Since this is a diesel, maybe there’s less room behind the grill??
  9. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    I’m guessing I do have the wrong kit, because the cooler doesn’t fit behind the stock grill. Reached out to them several times and they asked for pics. Haven’t heard anything yet, including the answer to my ram question so I thought I would bring it here. Yes on the 72.5.
  10. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    Dynatrac 60
  11. Bizcuit

    PSC ram assist

    Just picked up a PSC kit for the Gladiator and it comes with a 6.75 ram. My question is to why this, and not the 8 in. ram offered for other applications?
  12. Bizcuit

    ABS relocation

    Couldn’t find any information on relocating the ABS module to clear shock towers. Could someone point me where to find, or give some info on how you moved it. Thanks, 2021 JT diesel.
  13. Bizcuit

    Death Wobble

    I l Here’s what I found from GenRights site. This is the GenRight spec Ram assist kit from PSC. Designed for Extreme Off Highway driving and 38" to 42" tall tires. -Provides double the turning force -Reliefs stress on steering box and frame mounts -PSC ram assist is the ultimate steering...
  14. Bizcuit

    Death Wobble

    Didn’t I read that the PSC ram assist was the best steering stabilizer ever?
  15. Bizcuit

    Threaded rod ends

    After watching many videos on ends, there are more options out there than I realized. Also, trying to stay away from serviceable ends, might not be the right direction. One thought that has stuck in my head was isolation. I never would have given it much thought as long as I stayed away from...
  16. Bizcuit

    Threaded rod ends

    I don’t feel I’m lazy, but I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about greasing the control arms. The Metalcloak end looks attractive until I watched the animation. I don’t care for the thought of the bushing spinning in the arm housing. I’m really happy with the movement of the Synergy bushings but...
  17. Bizcuit

    Threaded rod ends

    About ready to build a new set of control arms for my JT. On my last set I used Synergy DDB on both ends. The bushings did every thing I asked of them but they only have L.H. threads. I’d like to get a set that offer both threads, that are not high maintenance. Any suggestions?
  18. Bizcuit

    Heater core

    That’s a good point. Nothing is ever wet or stained like antifreeze is/was present. If you nose the register at the drivers door, it’s really strong, the number two register has a faint smell, the other two nothing. That’s the part that has me baffled is there is only one core to my knowledge...
  19. Bizcuit

    Heater core

    I’m not sure, I’ve only had it a handful of months so I haven’t tested the heat part of the system.
  20. Bizcuit

    Heater core

    Good evening all, I’m getting an antifreeze smell in the registers of my gladiator. I don’t get it constantly, but from time to time, and it seems to be stronger after I turn a corner. I’ve pressurized the system overnight, but can’t seem to find anything leaking. What seems to be even stranger...
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