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  1. BaddestCross

    Hello from Silicon Valley

    Welcome from Georgia 🍻
  2. BaddestCross

    2022 WAYALIFE New Year's Kick Off Run

    So when do we get to hear the story about the toasted windshield? 😎
  3. BaddestCross

    Hello from West TN

    Welcome from Georgia 🍻
  4. BaddestCross

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Don't lie. We all know you have one in your garage. 😎
  5. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    C'mon over, I'll give you a pass 🤣
  6. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    My shit storm comment wasn't referring to this particular case, but others in the past. Peruse the infirmary if you need to refresh your memory 😂
  7. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    For those of us that have been here for awhile and have seen some of the craziness that has transpired, it kinda is the same. Some people would rather leave than go through the shit storm from people that tend to follow your lead. That's fair. In this particular case, those specific words never...
  8. BaddestCross

    Hello from Georgia

    Welcome from Savannah 🍻
  9. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    You're right, you never directly asked fiend to leave, but the douche rant you unleashed on him was the final straw after you berated another of his friends not too long before and I suppose he got tired of it. Your MO is sarcasm and passive aggressiveness, so you generally just make people...
  10. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    There have been others over time, but yeah, some just disappear in the wake of the hurricane. It's just a shame that things go from zero to ballistic in a blink of an eye sometimes.
  11. BaddestCross

    So now I know I cant ask a question if it dosent pertain to just me, got it!

    Since you asked them to no longer contribute they don't. Sounds like integrity to me. Why would they come back and post here when "nobody wants them here" 🙄 Jerry wasn't even the person he was asking for and now he's getting dragged through the shit for no reason.
  12. BaddestCross

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Just a tad 🙄
  13. BaddestCross

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Apparently Ford just can't win when it comes to their tops... 😂
  14. BaddestCross

    Random Photos

    Looks like the gnomes are hunting for squirrels 🤣
  15. BaddestCross

    RIP Betty White

    She couldn't handle it. RIP Betty White 🍻
  16. BaddestCross

    New to off roading and building skills

    Lol. Forgive me, I didn't notice that this was the safe space. Just pointing out the irony of your post. <crawls back under the bridge>
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