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  1. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    I have come along a bunch of Trails in National Monuments That were mined back in the day and Now there Managed as Wildlife areas - Not sure why you think a Wilderness area is Pristine & Virgin.
  2. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    I view Wilderness area's Like the Amendments, I can carry an Semi Auto not Full Auto, Why I can Take a Horse and Hike in a Wilderness area, not my Jeep, Why I don't like anything that limits my Rights in any form only a Communist would.
  3. Sylvester

    Jacked up

    They have a payment plan " $18.81/mo (18 mo) at example APR of 30%(rates from 10-30% APR)" quit your bitchin, LOL
  4. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    put that in the BLM Comment section, LOL
  5. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    Of course, They don't - why do you think Al Gore & Bill Clinton came up with Wilderness area's for - To keep us out
  6. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    Too much give and take - I feel the same way about gun's we should not be defending our rights to carry we should be pushing our right for Machine guns true Machine guns not the AR
  7. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    I have been Jeeping about 4 years so not Long, Before that I spent 8 years Logging in Alaska you think the BLM & Forest service is tough on Jeeps go to the woods and Meet with them, They do have to listen to comments they don't have a choice and we will Lose trails but how many is the question...
  8. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    The greenies our Highly organized, So the More comments Made by Fellow Jeepers Following what RR4W is suggesting the Better
  9. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    IF THE BLM GET'S WHAT THEY WANT WE COULD LOSE THESE TRAILS IN DANGER OF BEING CLOSED OR REROUTED Courthouse Rock aka Buttes and Towers Sevenmile Rim Above Sevenmile Canyon Wipe-Out Hill Four Arches Canyon Dry Fork Bull Canyon Gold Bar Rim Rusty Nail Little Canyon Golden Spike Where...
  10. Sylvester

    So Cal Jeep Bash Sept 10th

    I have to be in California for two weeks starting next week - otherwise we would have been there
  11. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    I am just going to copy what I received from Red Rock 4 Wheelers RED ALERT FOR BLM COMMENT PERIOD The draft EA for the Labyrinth Rims / Gemini Bridges travel plan in Moab has just been published, kicking off a 30-day comment period that ends October 7. Find more info here...
  12. Sylvester

    BLM Travel management Plan

    From Red rock 4 Wheelers This is probably the most important travel management plan of the decade and will decide the fate of most of Moab's most famous Jeep trails. It is crucial that you comment opposing alternatives B and C and supporting alternatives D or A, and ask the BLM to keep all of...
  13. Sylvester

    Seeking advice on a Moab Spring of 2023 Trip

    I should be here then I can show you Around I'll send you a DM
  14. Sylvester

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Would have been great if he used a gun,
  15. Sylvester

    ALL ELECTRIC Jeep Recon... Thoughts??

    "I have less than zero interest in this facade of “zero emission” vehicles that seems to be plaguing the market." I 100% agree - Electric is going to be a joke
  16. Sylvester


    I also want some Just need to get up there - Thinking October??
  17. Sylvester

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    They just need our guns
  18. Sylvester

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I am close -
  19. Sylvester

    Best Place to live for Jeepers

    I didn't think it was Very high for the Most part - I think there is some hills around 6000 if I am not mistaken? I would think spring would be a Great time to go out there
  20. Sylvester

    Best Place to live for Jeepers

    I have heard about the Bar 10 supposed to be Incredible Place - What is the Elevation out there? I would think Monson season would be a rotten time to go out there
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