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  1. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    One would think a "Meme King" would have more than that.
  2. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

  3. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I need to block this damned site.
  4. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    My family has a extremely high cholesterol levels. Both my father and mother had it, but especially my mother. Her father died of a massive heart attack at 45. She had levels so high that calcified deposits of it would bind to certain tendons in her body and grow there. Painful as fuck. I know...
  5. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I honestly think there's more to it. It's not like this Administration at all.
  6. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Makes you wonder what they can do with the 80% Karamela wants.
  7. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Dikec Yusuf, who only recently took up shooting after a particularly heated argument with his ex-wife, credits his success to his newfound passion for seeing his kids and a relentless drive to prove his ex wrong. "I never thought I'd be here," Yusuf said, shrugging nonchalantly. "I was just...
  8. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    I always thought they should feed them something to make them feel deathly ill, rush them in for emergency surgery, embed some gps tracking and remote controlled explosives, and let them go home.
  9. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Damn! I coulda had a rabbit!
  10. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across
  11. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Shukr was a close associate of now-deceased Hizballah commander Imad Mughniyah. Shukr played a central role in the October 23, 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others...
  12. Lunentucker

    Random Internet Shit you've come across
  13. Lunentucker

    Jeep gladiator JT 2021 clunk on deceleration near stop

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