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  1. Mike Pierson

    Will the MADNESS Ever Stop?! 🤬

    It sucks for sure, and yep, it’s already a done deal if they’re “inviting comments” from the public. Pure corruption, through and through.
  2. Mike Pierson

    JL hardtop options.

    Had the same problem with mine on the driver’s after the last Fordyce run. No warranty either. Black electrical tape is my current fix. And also, welcome back, Jim! 👍
  3. Mike Pierson

    EV Awesomeness

    Yay for environmentally friendly vehicles! 👏
  4. Mike Pierson

    Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

    Lol, there should be a time limit the wave threads can be posted to, more than a month and you get…
  5. Mike Pierson

    Suds of the Day

    Yeah. Racer 5 is great, haven’t had that in quite awhile.
  6. Mike Pierson

    Suds of the Day

    That sounds really interesting. I’ll see if I can find it up here.
  7. Mike Pierson


    You and Cindy getting serious with the garden now, huh? 😆
  8. Mike Pierson

    Suds of the Day

    On to a Revision Hazy IPA… very nice, very nice!
  9. Mike Pierson

    Suds of the Day

    Moonraker/Almanac Colab… soo good. And also, mu boy’s chicken kabobs! Happy Saturday, Cheers Wayalife!
  10. Mike Pierson

    show your sunrise/sunset pictures

    Top one is cool with the reflection off the hood.
  11. Mike Pierson

    Earl Gray Sahara waved in from MS

  12. Mike Pierson

    Old School Cool

    I “smoked” so many packs. 😂
  13. Mike Pierson


    Interesting flavors they have there. The blackberry sounds good. And perhaps the lemon ones. Have a good sample of those and report back, k? Haha
  14. Mike Pierson

    French owned, Portuguese driven, Stellantis is killing Jeep etc...

    It’s the homogenization of choice. They’re slowly weaning us away from uniqueness and freedom. But hey, better than taking public transportation from our community block homes to the food lines, am I right, Comrades?
  15. Mike Pierson


    Looks like we have a little copy cat…
  16. Mike Pierson


    Great pics, Clay! Thanks. Some of those oldies are awesome!
  17. Mike Pierson

    Old School Cool

    I was able to go to a few drive-ins. The only one I recall though was Young Frankenstein… I think at least.
  18. Mike Pierson

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Polish it to a mirror finish lol
  19. Mike Pierson

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Leave it like that… you won’t do it.
  20. Mike Pierson

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Thia no comprehend
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