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  1. Kuboske

    Beware!! - EVO Protek Skid Plates

    There's actually a "team" at EVO, making decisions?
  2. Kuboske

    Fuel Prices

    ALL taxes are paid by the consumer. "Windfall" taxes included. The whole term is a political term to demonize a segment of business. Biden and the entire left need to go. Putin is far less to blame for this massive inflation than the leftists right here in the good old U.S.A.
  3. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    An honorable woman in a house of dishonor, a city of wickedness. Why can't the people of her community elect and send her to be their representative?
  4. Kuboske

    The SCOURGE of Off-Roading - This is Why Land and Trails Get Closed

    Eddie, I would buy some inexpensive trail cams and hide them around your property. These guys or others like them will continue to trespass. At least they do around here. Deer hunters love to sneak in on the back side of my place every year. They all suffer from extremely blurry vision when it...
  5. Kuboske

    2005 TJ ?

    We will need a complete thread on this Jeep. Way too few older, small Jeeps on this forum. I love both of mine. Add the acquisition and mod. cost on both and you have way less than a new Rubicon... Congrats.
  6. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    That's hilarious. Guy gets an "A" for originality.
  7. Kuboske

    Sale Thread - Parts, Tools, Trips, ANYTHING

    Yikes! $54,000? I'm thinking this guy is high. Plus, just think... probably 4mpg.
  8. Kuboske

    Where did your Jeep take You this Week?

    Unrelated to the post but, the is a pretty blue Jeep. That would be the color for me if I could afford one.
  9. Kuboske

    Fuel Prices

    I normally have kept a 5.5 acre yard. This year I reduced it to about 1.5 and the neighbor across the road is baling the rest. Seriously. He's happy/I'm happy. Plus he will have fresh Angus beef for me later. Win/win... FJB.
  10. Kuboske


    Man... That is a beautiful place! And maybe, just maybe, the neighbors will be good people who become friends... My method of operation when it comes to any land is if I buy it, keep it. Never sell. Let the kids sell it someday if they want. But, they will have to bust the trust, first...
  11. Kuboske

    The BEST Internet Expert Advice I've Been Given

    Not only does this idiot live in a country where bureaucrats tell him how to take care of himself but, the guy is showing how absolutely dependent on that he is. Life would not be worth living... In the words of Ben Franklin, " Those who would sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither freedom...
  12. Kuboske


    This might help the nation in a lot of ways...
  13. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    You see standard cab long beds plenty in farm country. Sadly, the govt. jack-asses ruined it for kids to be loose and riding in the back...
  14. Kuboske

    What's your view like at work?

    Not any time soon...
  15. Kuboske

    What's your view like at work?

    They keep talking about DEF shortages. DEF is actually extremely clean, liquid nitrogen fertilizer. 32%. They built a huge new manufacturing plant in Iowa. We hauled several thousand tons for side-dressing corn. Thin it down and spray it on your yard. You'll be mowing every third day. That is...
  16. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Instead of criminal charges he should be given a trophy. Judge: charges dismissed. Approach the bench. For high five...
  17. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    This in my home State of Indiana... I will admit, our current Governor is a RINO dumbass. One of few who is attending the W.E.F. gathering with the globalists... He also vetoed a bill to keep brain-damaged males from competing in women's sports. Thankfully, his veto was overridden.
  18. Kuboske

    The BEST Internet Expert Advice I've Been Given

    I pity this woman for having to live with such a useless male... He should lose his man card, his Jeep, and her...
  19. Kuboske

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

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