Recent content by Disciple Off Road

  1. Disciple Off Road

    LUX Lighting Scam or Legit?

    I ordered shortly before the end of the tear but they take a bit to get and/or email responses but you should be good!
  2. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    I was confused on what you were talking about......until I just saw another thread haha so no, I kept the radiator factory silver :cool:
  3. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    You are very welcome! Thanks again for coming all the way up here to see us.
  4. Disciple Off Road

    Shipping UPS Ground Takes Time - PLEASE BE PATIENT

    People will always find something to complain about and/or be impatient like this guy.
  5. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Best Jeep “upgrade”…..mine finally passed smog 😂 Man I hate this state. Just had to track down a small evap leak. Been a fun week, had some gear work and adding Revolution chromoly shafts. Noticed this stub shaft had some odd imperfections. To be safe, we opted to pull it and get a...
  6. Disciple Off Road

    JL/JT OEM fenders

    looks like you had too much fun out at Calico!
  7. Disciple Off Road


    Not my style but nicely done! Definitely some clean fab work 👍🏼
  8. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    We did replace the radiator. None of the main frame was bent/damaged. So everything bolted right back up which was a relief. All of the body lines were great and lined right up.
  9. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    Good Morning and Happy Saturday! Nothing like the smell of gear oil in the morning.
  10. Disciple Off Road

    Search for the Big Bell 🔔

    Looks like a fun time! I better start making a list of dive bars for when we see you in a few weeks haha
  11. Disciple Off Road

    In The Shop - Disciple Off Road

    We are back in business! Just waiting on fenders from paint hopefully tomorrow.
  12. Disciple Off Road

    OEM Aux Switches

    With the factory AUX switches, you don’t need to add an additional relay since that’s built into the system already. Only time you need an additional relay is if you are running a light that has a high/low beam. The wires for the 40 amp are plenty in the system. In case you need it;
  13. Disciple Off Road

    Hello from Wisconsin! ✌🏻

    Welcome to Wayalife!
  14. Disciple Off Road

    Presidential Joint Address to Congress

    It’s a breath of fresh air that’s for dam sure!! America is back! 🇺🇸
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