ORE Suspension pictures

I'm not asking about the quality of anyone's product. I know what good quality is and the only 2 companies I've referenced are both top notch. Thanks for your help

Tgoss I certainly don't want to sell anything for pennies on the dollar but pretty sure the full DTD isn't in the books for me. Never say never!

"Top notch" by what standard. You are asking for pics. So you want to know which product is more photogenic??? And you'll base your decision on pics.

I'm by no means an expert on lifts, but that is possibly the worst logic behind spending thousands and thousands of dollars.

Not my money though. Just get the shiny King COs and you'll be super happy. The blue and silver shiny things king puts out look really good. [emoji106][emoji41]


EVO Plush Coils + King 2.5 non-adjustable can be had for $1,850 if you know where to look. That sure is cheap for what you get. And that's install it yourself.
"Top notch" by what standard. You are asking for pics. So you want to know which product is more photogenic??? And you'll base your decision on pics.
You continue to provide no value to this thread. Unlike you and your build thread I will not be doing a multi stage build. I'm not saying you're going about it incorrectly I'm just saying I am taking a different path. I have ordered my axles so that I purchase 8 on 6.5 wheels and am done. I'm doing the same thing with whatever suspension I choose and all I'm looking for is some detailed pictures of the mounts and brackets installed for comparison purposes.

I finally found some decent rear bolt on bracket pictures
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You continue to provide no value to this thread. Unlike you are your build thread I will not be doing a multi stage build. I'm not saying you're going about it incorrectly I'm just saying I am taking a different path. I have ordered my axles so that I purchase 8 on 6.5 wheels and am done. I'm doing the same thing with whatever suspension I choose and all I'm looking for is some detailed pictures of the mounts and brackets installed for comparison purposes.

I've provided a lot of value. I'm very happy with my post here thus far.

You putting this on your Dodge Ram?

You already bought axles, to go with your wheels, and not yet purchased a suspension. Do you even have a Jeep yet? What about a roll cage. What about bumpers and armor. What about a winch. Seems in stages to me. I'm also not sure what my build timeline has to do with anything.

Last, I provided two awesome ass pics of my Enforcer lift with blue and silver shiny things, which is exactly what you asked for. They "look" fucking awesome! And the brackets are steel, painted black if you were wondering what they "looked" like. Together, nothing looks better IMO. I still for the life of me can't figure out what pics of the mounts and brackets will tell about which "kit" is best, for your Dodge Ram.
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I do have a very nice Ram truck but no those wheels are going on my ProRock 60s thanks for trying. No need to get all butt hurt I'm sure you'll sell your Enforcer kit for as much as you paid when stage 3 of your build kicks in and you go with their DTD kit!

Yes axles were my first purchase...well technically a Warn Zeon 10S was.
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I do have a very nice Ram truck but no those wheels are going on my ProRock 60s thanks for trying. No need to get all butt hurt I'm sure you'll sell your Enforcer kit for as much as you paid when stage 3 of your build kicks in and you go with their DTD kit!

Yes axles were my first purchase...well technically a Warn Zeno 10S was.

Must of missed all the Jeep details in your profile. Lol. Not butt hurt about anything. I have no plans for a DTD in the near future. Thanks for digging through my thread though. I've worked my ass off for every penny put into my Jeep. I'm extremely proud of the efforts so far and have zero regrets. Not all of us are bad ass ballers and wheelers like you.

You're approach still sucks BTW, regardless of how you try to explain it. Based on this above, seems you're headed to a top notch DTD now, though you previously said it was too much? Or maybe it's the Gen Right "kit" or are you still waiting for "cool pics." Lol. Good luck though, hope you spend all you can afford on shiny things and brackets. [emoji23]
I've worked my ass off for every penny put into my Jeep. I'm extremely proud of the efforts so far and have zero rsleep egrets. Not all of us are bad ass ballers and wheelers like you.

You're approach still sucks BTW, regardless of how you try to explain it...
Who doesn't feel like they work their ass off for what they want? I'm glad you don't have any regrets and that's what I am aiming for as well. If you don't like the way I'm going about building my Jeep I really don't care. If having a pair of ProRock 60s be the foundation for which all my other decisions are based on sucks then so be it. Sounds like a good problem to have!

Is this how you treat fellow Jeep enthusiasts cause if it is I've read all I need to know about you. How about relaxing and stop trying to force your opinion on others we are all here cause we like Jeeps.
Who doesn't feel like they work their ass off for what they want? I'm glad you don't have any regrets and that's what I am aiming for as well. If you don't like the way I'm going about building my Jeep I really don't care. If having a pair of ProRock 60s be the foundation for which all my other decisions are based on sucks then so be it. Sounds like a good problem to have!

Is this how you treat fellow Jeep enthusiasts cause if it is I've read all I need to know about you. How about relaxing and stop trying to force your opinion on others we are all here cause we like Jeeps.

You are piece of work. I might be the least judgmental person on this forum. And as I already noted, I posted "pics" just like you wanted.

I don't care to know you based on your posts either. And I have not forced any opinion, just said basing a build off of people's pics while dismissing any knowledgeable feedback is inconsiderate to the many knowledgeable people on the forum.

If all you want is pics, google can help you with that. With that, I'm out. Good luck finding the pics you've dreamed of.
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