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Some 16 year old in a Mazda RX8 decided he wanted to try to fit between me and a truck as we were slowing down for rush hour traffic, and he realized last minute that he had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the truck, so I locked my brakes up but there wasn't anything at that point I could do. Hit him going probably 55. There was a weird vibration in the driveline when I got above 65, and I was worried the unibody might have tweaked with how hard I hit him, but after climbing under there today, everything is straight and nothing is bent or out of place. Worst part is legally, even though he did something incredibly stupid, it's still my fault. I wasn't sore until about an hour or so ago when I suddenly started getting terrible back pain, so I'm going to the doctor this afternoon to see what they say about that. My winch is the only thing that was damaged. And I didn't even have any cable in it because it was snapped. Good excuse to upgrade to a Warn though. Before anyone asks, the kid in the Mazda was okay, but he quickly learned not to assume somebody has enough room to stop.