Waiting for the all holy one to chime in...

Well, I for one don't know how to wheel. I don't even currently have a Jeep and hardcore dudes like the OP scare the crap out of me.
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Holy crap did you go to the same school as the LVMPD jack hole who promised us a "free extended stay" in Vegas? :rolleyes:

Lmao I remember that guy! !!

The op is on some good stuff!!!
When I thought I couldn't be surprised here comes this guy!!! Sounded like my coworker this morning asking for facts about the axles lmao!!! If I wasn't at work I would of hit him upside the head!!!
How many people in the clubs you run with are running the DTD and what is the lift of choice?

Shit, how many members of WAL even have a DTD?! It's a pretty rare kit, that I have never seen outside of a WAL trail run or S&G.

Well, if they're shop owners, they of all people would know what to recommend to people looking to buy something. You definitely should trust what they have to say :yup: :crazyeyes: :cheesy:

Wait, so I made a mistake when 4wheelparts tried to sell me a Rubicon Express kit and I walked away? I knew I should have trusted them to not try to sell me something to line their pockets and I didn't need!!!

Based on the shape those sliders are in....I can tell that you rock some hard trails :rock:
Sorry, just saw this part...

Was waiting for the all holy one to chime in...

Would you say that you are, in any way an important person and that your presence on this earth is of even the most minute level of importance? If so, why would you waste your time on a forum ran by people you don't like, and owned by someone you talk shit about like this?

Did I accidentally answer my own question in the question? :thinking::idontknow:
Sorry, just saw this part...

Would you say that you are, in any way an important person and that your presence on this earth is of even the most minute level of importance? If so, why would you waste your time on a forum ran by people you don't like, and owned by someone you talk shit about like this?

Did I accidentally answer my own question in the question? :thinking::idontknow:

Empty your box, you can't be that popular.
Great price, a little much for me atm though, I have to pay for summer classes in a couple weeks

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I'm going to grad school in 1 years and I hope to just pay mine off before I do, so this doesn't happen to me. It's a tough decision to sell it, but after grad school you'll be able I build an amazing jeep again.

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I wheel a stock dana 30, didnt think polishing a terd was worth it. Im a server at a restaurant, go to school full time, and have 2 kids so money is always tight. I like hunting for the deals and dont mind waiting to upgrade until i have that deal in place.

I bought a bare 44 housing for 200. Arb air locker and 488 gears for 500. Then moly shafts for 500.

If anything breaks on the 44 ill upgrade to an upgraded housing. I like the pr44 but i rarely ever find those for a good deal.

Its your money and if you could live with an open but geared 30 go for it. Ive had one trail in soutbern nevada i havent been able to do on my posi dana 30 with 35s and a 3in lift. Granted spotters and lines are a big help.

Sum it up. Deals are out there if you wait, and if you dont think you will do crazy wheeling gear the 30 and have tons of fun. Thats what jeeping is all about.
A bottle of The Prisoner to celebrate my wife opening her own real estate brokerage. A little early but hey, she runs this bitch now! View attachment 150721

I drink this every couple of days, it's a newer blend and the maker, and his blends are becoming sort of a cult wine. A little on the jammy side, not to much though. I do wish it were a little more dry though.

Try his other blends if you get the chance, abstract is very nice as well.
I just sold my hardtop, picked up a factory soft top for 200 with door surrounds. Will be running that and my bikini year round in vegas.

The hard top was nice, but a pain to remove, and gets scratched up to easily. Soft tops are a dime a dozen around here (vegas) lately.
Drivetrain Month at Northridge4x4!

I just need front shafts, locker, and gears for a rubicon housing.
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Give us a call at 866-601-5340 and we will put together a package for you!

Yea I talked to you last week, only problem is the only selectable air locker that fits in the rubicon housing is the Arb. I don't have enough saved for the Arb, and the only shafts that fit the Arb which are the rcv and then throw gears in.

I've been trying to do more research on what other lockers fit in the rubicon 44
There are tons of other lockers that fit in a Rubi 44. Eaton is the first one that comes to mind. Also as for shafts ten factory makes a very good chromoly shaft.

Yea I keep only seeing the Arb for a jk rubi housing.

The Yukon zip has a Dana 44 but it's for a non rubi 44. I have a 2010 rubi 44 front that is a bare housing.
Technically speaking, everyone's skin is pretty much the same thickness, which isn't very thick at all.

Thus meaning, the thickness in your gut isn't from your skin. 👍

Hey you're still here? I thought you were butthurt after chiming in on the Kraken thread?
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