Custom sub boxes


New member
Does anyone have any experience with building a custom sub enclosure for their JK? I purchased a 12" Rockford Forsgate marine grade sub and Sound Ordinance amp, but I haven't found any enclosures that fit the bill. I plan on mounting it on my tailgate (pic in my other thread) but the only problem is it has to be a specific size 27x13x6x3. In the end it will be similar to a truck wedge enclosure. I've read some simple instructions but how would I go about porting and running all of the wires, etc. below is the link of what I am trying to match. Any tips are helpful! Thanks!
I saw a sub box made to fit between the wheelwell and the rear seat in a magazine yesterday, if you'd like I can find it and give you the details
I saw a sub box made to fit between the wheelwell and the rear seat in a magazine yesterday, if you'd like I can find it and give you the details

sign me up1 i'm about to put in a new sound system and am trying what to do with the sub. I've thought about using the stock housing with some modifications...
If you can get a custom box built I'd say go that route. I have two 12" square subs in a pre fabed box and it takes up most of the back. I'm in a 4 door. I'm gonna get a custom down fire box which should give me more space and keep the safe when I do have stuff in the back.
just curious.. Is it still possible to sit back there? The seats look like they're at a really odd angle :thinking: Not to mention you can't fold them down now.

Actually, the seat angle is where I had it before the sub enclosure. I had raised the front angle up with washers, and then again with spacers until my girls (12 and 5 years old) were comfortable with the angle. My wife, who us also pretty short, finds the seat more comfortable at this angle also. If I recall, it's about 1 inch, maybe 1 1/2 inches raised in the front. So I just built the box to conform.

As far as folding the seat,I had folded it so little that the damn thing rusted in place. When I tried to fold it down during the Katzkin seat cover installation, I broke the actuating wires trying to get it to fold.

So yeah, this option wouldn't work for every one. But worked great for me.
Its also pretty easy to kick out some sub boxes for under the fronts seats. If you don't get wet much, its a viable option for some 8's or shallow 10's.



Its also pretty easy to kick out some sub boxes for under the fronts seats. If you don't get wet much, its a viable option for some 8's or shallow 10's.




got any pics of these finished and under the seat? I'm thinking about modifying my stock housing since it doesn't take much room.
Hope the sound ordnance am works for you I went three two in one week both DOA.

Thats rough to hear... Where'd you order from, I wonder if mine will be covered if I decide to upgrade


Heres what I found in the 4wheelparts magazine

Those would be sweet, but like rodgerdathug said thats a pretty penny.. I purchased some 3/4" MDF and hopefully Ill be able to successfully build a box for my 12" marine sub.. I plan on mounting it on the tailgate, so hopefully it will all fit into place!
got any pics of these finished and under the seat? I'm thinking about modifying my stock housing since it doesn't take much room.

These are not my pictures, they are from the guy who made these. I can get you in touch with him if you need. I just prepped the prototypes for him to make molds so he can start kicking these out....


AWESOME! How long did it take you to build that?

Thanks. I guess I spent a couple weekends on the project. I built a prototype, made a few changes, then built the final. I pulled templates at both my increased seat angle and at the stock seat angle since I have a couple friends that want me to make them a box

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