Bump Stops on 2.5" lift


New member
Hey Fellas,

I was wondering, should my bump stops be as close to the base as they are? When I turn into a steep drive way I believe they are hitting, at least I can hear something hitting! Thanks, always a great help!ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1395465418.513969.jpg

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I'm not smart on this stuff, but I know mine aren't that close. What kind of lift is it?


From my Samsung GS4
Your factory bump stop doesn't look like it is seated into the teraflex extension. It actually looks like it could fall out to me?
Agreed ^^^, looking at the pics, your jounce stop isn't fully seated in its retaining cup.
Thanks, the only way to fix this is to pull off the spring?

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Nah. I would try to flex out your Jeep and to the point where you literally press it in with your axle. :yup:
Nah. I would try to flex out your Jeep and to the point where you literally press it in with your axle. :yup:

Good idea, thanks Eddie. An excuse to flex for the first time with the lift too ;)

Sent from Junior's Iphone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Teraflex says that only a real man can get it all the way in. :thinking: lol just playing use some greases and a jack so it will go a the way In
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