i told you what to do, and no its not under warranty.
But I need to drive cause I need to work, and fuck I have to pay so much shit and now looks like my rig is having problems![]()
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I hope it's no the transmission and that noise is nothing.
Did you check the video that is all black?
Non of us is there to hear what your hearing or see. If you think its a trans issue, go and get it in.
I'm broke! Lol I had to pay 4.5k to my old land lord cause I lost a law sued.
And plus car payment insurance( I'm not the best driver gayco hates me) and house payments I'm top out in expenses
I thought it was $4k? That's what you said yesterday at least. :idontknow:
Did you pull your driveshafts yet to see if it's one of those like Moochie and I told you to do? Probably not.
I I don't know how :/
It's 8 bolts on the axle side and 8 on the transfer case/transmission side. If you YouTube it or look at the project jk write for a driveshaft install you will see how to do it. It's not difficult.
View attachment 70177
That shield is loose
I feel so much better now.
Still taking the driveshaft don't worried Adam![]()
Branko someone told you this a few weeks ago the 1ST time you said you had this problem. Why don't you listen?
Because I got confused
Now this I believe.
So I noticed this noise under my jeep and is between the transfer case and transition! What is it!!
This are sound of my rig please help
The one that is all black is from under my jeep
The second link (video) sounds eerie. I think I am going to die in 7 days now. The first sounded like drive shafts rzeppa joint. Dry balls slinging around in it.
Ok now this !!!!!!
Wtf! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh this sounds serious