Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

The label of ‘liberal’ has changed it’s meaning. It used to mean ‘one who believes in liberty’. A classic liberal believed in maximum liberty.

That’s no longer the case and 99% of individuals who think they are liberals do not believe in self determination. Cortez and Bernie may call themselves liberals but they are actually ‘Progressives’. They want to progress beyond the Constitution and to a ‘collective’ and centralized form of government. They believe it is more ‘equitable’ and that the average person doesn’t know what is actually best for them. It has been proven many times that collective economies do NOT WORK.

The only difference between democratic socialism and communism is that in democratic socialism you vote yourself into collectivism. With communism, collectivism is forcibly imposed on you.
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The label of ‘liberal’ has changed it’s meaning. It used to mean ‘one who believes in liberty’. A classic liberal believed in maximum liberty.

That’s no longer the case and 99% of individuals who think they are liberals do not believe in self determination. Cortez and Bernie may call themselves liberals but they are actually ‘Progressives’. They want to progress beyond the Constitution and to a ‘collective’ and centralized form of government. They believe it is more ‘equitable’ and that the average person doesn’t know what is actually best for them. It has been proven many times that collective economies do NOT WORK.

The only difference between democratic socialism and communism is that in democratic socialism you vote yourself into collectivism. With communism, collectivism is forcibly imposed on you.
Many years ago I had a friend whose family escaped from North Korea and received asylum and is fully assimilated here. He doesn’t allow pictures be taken of him. He is very secretive about the whole thing and doesn’t talk much about the past, just how he worked his ass off once he was here. Anyway, he mentioned that to me, and it’s been awhile so paraphrasing a bit- socialism is just communism but disguised as choice and communism is socialism but at the barrel of a gun. Thought it was an interesting perspective coming from someone who lived it.
The label of ‘liberal’ has changed it’s meaning. It used to mean ‘one who believes in liberty’. A classic liberal believed in maximum liberty.

That’s no longer the case and 99% of individuals who think they are liberals do not believe in self determination. Cortez and Bernie may call themselves liberals but they are actually ‘Progressives’. They want to progress beyond the Constitution and to a ‘collective’ and centralized form of government. They believe it is more ‘equitable’ and that the average person doesn’t know what is actually best for them. It has been proven many times that collective economies do NOT WORK.

The only difference between democratic socialism and communism is that in democratic socialism you vote yourself into collectivism. With communism, collectivism is forcibly imposed on you.
And where would you find a sane liberal?
20-30 years ago.
They have started calling themselves progressives now. I guess to differentiate themselves? Really they are just trying to progress everyone towards marxism and or communism.
One of the things I appreciate the most about Trump is that he used the republican party but he isn't part of the republican party. Probably the closest we'll get to a 3rd party president in my lifetime.

Trump saw what happened when Ross Perot ran as a third party candidate- he caused Clinton to get elected and launched the Clinton plague.

Starting a third party is a fool’s errand. Why do you think Soros funds them?

A basic principle of revolutionary warfare is to co-opt an existing power structure whenever possible. It is way more effective than starting from scratch.
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