Random Internet Shit you've come across

lol he does tornado sirens, weather reports & dance vids too.
He’s got 370k followers on IG and the comment section is actually mostly encouraging

Well bless his heart. I’ve never done the instagram thing but I have a bad habit of getting sucked into you tube videos wasting more time than I care to admit watching epic fails or police chase videos so I have to stay away from there. Looks to me like instagram would do the same .
Congratulations to Californians. Oregon is trying to take the crown as wackiest state
Mental retard
the pain is real when you finally get to that exit, run/shuffle butt squeeze your way across the lot while prepping the damn belt buckle turned rubic cube, praying there's an open and clean stall... karma smiles on you with the freshly cleaned open stall, solved the rubic cube belt sit and.....
another life lesson of disappointment ... but you hear someone in the other stall chuckle when you sound of like a tuba in a marching band 🤪
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