American Adventure Lab Spare Tire Mount for ARB Twin Compressor

I have a twin now, and I must say it’s meh. Was expecting a lot more out of it having run singles for years. Maybe when i have some money burning a hole in my pocket I’ll check out the brushless but not sure I’d ever recommend the twin over the single either, and the cost increase and space it takes up just makes it’s just ok with the rate my tires inflate
Compressors create heat, and so there is more to compression than just a strong motor. It is necessary to get rid of the heat. It is unlikely the double has twice the heat dissipation capacity of the single.
You just say shit and have no idea what you are talking about.
Sorry, this is just basic high school physics. Get a grip!

The equation includes volume (e.g. pump compression initial and compressed cylinder volume, and tire volume), temperature (e.g temperature while initially compressing, and final ambient in the tire, which should be similar to the temperature outside of the tire). It should be obvious to anyone that the excess heat needs to be expelled by the pump and the tire. If the final temperature is not the ambient temperature, then the tire pressure will reduce while in use as the air cools. A better pump will get rid of more heat by itself (upon initial compression) so it is not left to the tire to do so. This requires more cooling area in the pump (e.g. bigger cooling fins).

To express in terms you may understand: "size matters".
Sorry, this is just basic high school physics. Get a grip!

The equation includes volume (e.g. pump compression initial and compressed cylinder volume, and tire volume), temperature (e.g temperature while initially compressing, and final ambient in the tire, which should be similar to the temperature outside of the tire). It should be obvious to anyone that the excess heat needs to be expelled by the pump and the tire. If the final temperature is not the ambient temperature, then the tire pressure will reduce while in use as the air cools. A better pump will get rid of more heat by itself (upon initial compression) so it is not left to the tire to do so. This requires more cooling area in the pump (e.g. bigger cooling fins).

To express in terms you may understand: "size matters".
It’s two singles running together. You are retarded.
It's not just about heat generated by the pump motor. It's also about the temperature rise you get when compressing air.

Bob, the ARB Dual is comprised of two singles and theoretically puts out twice as many BTUs. It comes with a fan to help cooling.

While the single ARB compressor is just fine and a twin isn't needed, I personally WANT it. The increased airflow of the dual Dual works better when airing up four tires at once and airing up multiple vehicles. This is based on running an ARB Dual alongside a single, both using a four tire inflation hose. For my purposes, the ARB Dual is the way to go.

I don't think the tire carrier compressor mount is worth it. For that kind of money, it should reinforce the carrier so a larger tire can be mounted. Looking at the design, I don't think it does.
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