Random Internet Shit you've come across

LOL - according to Cambridge, if you’re white, support conservative values and live in a rural area, you’re a racist and “less educated” aka stupid.

thats fine

I skimmed a bit and read some of the details. Funny how the concluding paragraphs mention all of the factors as negative under the Rural areas, but the urbanites are all positive.

No research bias there
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LOL - according to Cambridge, if you’re white, support conservative values and live in a rural area, you’re a racist and “less educated” aka stupid.
What they really mean to say, if you don't have the education THEY think you should have and think the way THEY do, then you're beneath them.

The amusing thing, a large group of people that vote their way, don't even have high school diplomas.
What they really mean to say, if you don't have the education THEY think you should have and think the way THEY do, then you're beneath them.

The amusing thing, a large group of people that vote their way, don't even have high school diplomas.

ironic how the dates cited in the study coincide with the rise of the liberal left within the democratic party, no?

Also ironic how the older Boomers still pull that goddam 'D' lever at the voting booth but bitch and whine about all the
liberal bullshit out there. :rolleyes:
ironic how the dates cited in the study coincide with the rise of the liberal left within the democratic party, no?

Also ironic how the older Boomers still pull that goddam 'D' lever at the voting booth but bitch and whine about all the
liberal bullshit out there. :rolleyes:
My family were staunch Democrats. They were heavily involved in the Democrat party in our city/county.
I was raised Democrat. I carry a Union card. I am white.

I was the first to bail on the Democrat outlook. Bill Clinton was the last Democrat I voted for in the Presidential election.
After Clinton was impeached and was openly being hypocritical about his affair and then some of the history of the corruption he and his wife were involved in before the White House, my Mother and her oldest brother disavowed the Democrats.

Even at the risk of Social Security being diminished, they still vote Republican.

So, you can't blame "Boomers" for the current Socialistic lean of the Democrat party. That falls mostly on the youth that want everything without earning it.
My family were staunch Democrats. They were heavily involved in the Democrat party in our city/county.
I was raised Democrat. I carry a Union card. I am white.

I was the first to bail on the Democrat outlook. Bill Clinton was the last Democrat I voted for in the Presidential election.
After Clinton was impeached and was openly being hypocritical about his affair and then some of the history of the corruption he and his wife were involved in before the White House, my Mother and her oldest brother disavowed the Democrats.

Even at the risk of Social Security being diminished, they still vote Republican.

So, you can't blame "Boomers" for the current Socialistic lean of the Democrat party. That falls mostly on the youth that want everything without earning it.

oh, I don't blame them solely, but it's certainly not just the youth's fault. Quite a few of the boomers refuse to take their damn blinders off.

I live NW of Pittsburgh in a county with a bunch of old steel mill towns in it. The old mill workers that are left and their families, as well as that generation that grew up with the mills' halo effects throughout the region, are staunch democrats that refuse to see what the party has become.
It's the same throughout most of Western Pa, Eastern Oh, and WV.
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