I know a guy who would be interested in buying your Carson City house… 😀

Just saying! 😂🤣
LOL - I'll have to keep that in mind 😁
No way! This is insane! This is extremely exciting for you guys, I'm eager to see more of it and the work you guys will be doing to it. Congratulations!
Thank you - we're definitely excited :cool:
I remember at Jeep Beach you both telling Teresa and I about your search for that dream property… and it looks like you found it. We are both very happy for you!! Congrats!
Thank you. I won't lie, we're always on the look out for better but so far, this one seems to be it :)
Congratulations! A great piece of property that I know you two will certainly make your own!
Thank you and we're already working on it :)
Congrats guys! Such a cool property!!!
Thank you. Super happy with it :)
Very nice! I’m a little jealous.

What does this mean for Zero Topaz?
We still love Zero Topaz as it's a totally different setting and we intend to keep it as an investment if nothing else. We still talk about building something on it and who knows, maybe it'll still be something we like better in the long run.
Thank you.
Congratulations on the farm. Inquiring minds what to know if the shop is heated. 🤣

I fixed it for you🤣
I won't lie; we can't sell Carson City; we are responsible Jeep parents and would feel terrible about leaving one of our babies out in the elements; the new shop allows us to grow our family responsibly. And, they're close enough to each other that going back and forth is really no big deal.
Congratulations on the farm. Inquiring minds what to know if the shop is heated. 🤣

I fixed it for you🤣
LOL - love the fix and no, the shop is not heated, just fully insulated. HOWEVER, insulation is the first and very necessary step for heating to work and so it should be a lot easier to have done in this shop :)
Hopefully this shop gets heated faster than your Carson city shop lol
LOL - well, we are getting quotes to build out the guest quarter to be a nice legit home complete with kitchen, bath, living room and 1+1/2 bath and bedroom. Heating and air will definitely be in there and I do plan on adding heat in the main shop at the same time.
Wow huuuge congrats to you both!! Looks like an amazing property with some amazing views. Looking forward to all the progress pics 🍻
Thank you. Eager to get working on it.
Congratulations! A farming you will go, a farming you will go…
LOL - Thank you.
Congratulations on your new piece of HEAVEN! Looks like you have the ideal basecamp from which to do all of your favorite things and no people around to bother you. Jealous AF.
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