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No I used grease. Again Bubba suggested it and it will dissipate and not affect anything. I actually forgot to put the wheel sensor hanger back on so I had to pull the shafts back out. So far so good and no leaks. Also while moving the axle around I tipped it and dumped a bit out of each axle tube so that may have helped too...haha. Tell me about cold it wasn't back east cold but when its in the mid forties sitting on concrete sucks. Fortunately my garage is insulated and with the door closed it wasn't too bad. It did make the welds cool a lot faster too.
Thanks for the reply! How did the new shafts go? Did you use gear oil to slip through the seals? The longer I wait to do my upgrades, the bigger my pile of parts gets! LOL, the garage is a freaking ice box right now.
Sorry I just saw this. Yes I left my old ones in. Bubba at Exodus recommended this to prevent any distortion. He also said still be mindful of heat and only weld in 1" lengths. Feel free to ask any other questions.
Hi Jesse, Did you leave your old ball joints in while welding the Gussets? I was wondering about heat distortion on the forgings and leaving them in to keep the holes round. I have a similar pile of parts waiting in the garage and I have a ton of questions, hope you don't mind. Lol. Rob.
Sorry,, i thought i responded this morning,, not sure what happened to the message..
Anyway,, Yes, I do still have my Factory 1/2 Doors..

They have Power Locks installed on them as well. I can include the brain and key fobs as well.

My issue is my Jeep is not black, It is Rhino.. So i would have to get them painted to match..
And my Jeep doesn't have power windows thru factory, so i don't know if it is a plug and go kind of thing.. or how that works with the plug in the kickpanels.. Do you?

I would be interested in trading though if we could work something out...

Let me know

Hey man you still trading your half doors? I would love to trade. I have glossy black from a 2015 rubicon. Power locks on them and everything. No damage at all.
Hey I read your post on the rattling coming from the exhaust pipe due to it hitting the crossmemeber. How did the washer hold up?
Hey I noticed you said to use an exhaust clamp to prevent the vibrating noise coming from the exhaust on the cross member. Do you happen to have a picture of it?
Not sure if Clearskies pm'd you on our Calico run tomorrow, but you're certainly welcome to join us. We're meeting at Peggy Sue's 50's diner at 9am. Some may get there at 8am for Breakfast. Your Jeep should be fine so long as you have front/rear tow points in case you get hung up on a rock.
Question, i jus returned home and I know this is a stretch but was curious how you LS drove I’m about to do a 6.0 swap in mine. Oh, if you were up for give me a ride that would be awesome. I feel like this sounds so silly but if I don’t ask...well hope to hear back im in Mesa.
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