Zipper Repair


New member
I have a soft top for my 2011 JKUS and on the passenger side rear panel zip out window (the one over the cargo area) zipper broke. The piece that broke is the silver tab that you insert in in the groove/zipper stop at the upper corner of the window to get the zipper started. The prongs inside of this tab managed to rip the fabric right below that tab and it has fallen off.

I duct taped the bit of fabric there (as there is not enough fabric to sew up) and tried to open that silver tab up some in order to slide it back onto the fabric/duct tape and to crimp back on but to no avail.

I managed to force the new duct taped portion through the zipper and got it to zip up but now I don't dare undo it to fold back the soft top. Is there a repair kit I could buy that would include a few of those tabs that I can install myself? Guessing the warranty doesn't cover this sort of thing (even though the soft top is a stock top from a 2012, I am thinking that it will not be covered because my 2011 was hard top only once it rolled off the line and did not have the dual top group option with it, this soft top was purchased second hand from a fellow Jeeper).

Any ideas on repair kits or that little silver tab that I can install/repair myself bending it into place myself?
Don't know if there's anything like a "repair kit" out there but, a upholstery shop, sail boat shop or even a good tailor might be able to help you out.
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