yj gerberal info and tips


New member
I'm a jk guy but my buddy's looking to get a yj it's going to be a weekend warrior.trying to take a fairly stock yj and build it up to have it be his trail rig. Nothing to crazy but still 33s or 35 if possible. I don't know to much about them ( know a lot more about my jk) and neither does he so any good advice you could give us? Any input is appreciated.
The best thing u can do to a YJ is buy TJ flares and chop the fenders/quarter panels. It opens up a lot of room for tires.
With a 4" lift you can run 33's with little to no rubbing the fender flares but if you put on the TJ flares like suggested that will give you even more tire room.
That and cut fenders, tube fenders, or flat fenders will help as well.

Going to 35's he will need to re-gear to get the most out of which ever motor he goes with. Now a lot of people will tell him to replace both axles with something stronger, like DANA 44's or something along those lines. It all depends on how hard your friend will be wheeling his Jeep, if he will hit things hard and under a lot of power than yea, new axles. But if he is out haveing a good time, taking a few rocky lines and not doing so under full power he will be fine for the most part. YMMV of course.

So I think you get the idea, there is soo much you can do to a YJ, all it takes is time and ALL OF YOUR MONEY! :cheesy:

Just my 0.02 worth.
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