Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using WAYALIFE mobile app
The newer Trek Top NX is by farthe better choice!
Hands down! I've owned every version of the Trektop made and the NX is without question, the best version yet.
I know that nx is more usable but i Want to get rid of all the fixture and hardware im more a topless Guy ! Think i found My answer thx
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Without question drop the idea of bestop altogether and get a ORH combo top. Its a lot of $$ but well worth it IMO.
The cargo top looks really cool but what about the rear seat belts? It didn't look like they work with that top. :idontknow:
Without question drop the idea of bestop altogether and get a ORH combo top. Its a lot of $$ but well worth it IMO.
Honestly, I couldn't disagree with you more. I have seen the ORH top and there's no comparison. The Trektop NX is as nice as a factory soft top.
I agree to disagree with you :beer: Your point above is exactly why the ORH top is better, its nothing like the factory soft top... :bleh: Even the newer (improved) factory tops are junk.
Clearly, to each their own. I love the new factory tops and so does just about everyone else I know who has one. The Trektop NX is a lot like them and that's what makes them so cool to me. I have seen the ORH top and think it's junk and looks kinda gay but, that's just my opinion. :crazyeyes:
Agreed to each there own. Your the 1st person I have heard that doesn't like the looks of them. When the fastback part is on it looks pretty much identical to the Trektop, at least from a distance. The cargo top kind of has a look of it's own.
Do we still have a good contact for sales on the Trektop? I seem to remember a couple years ago there was a sales rep with a great price on the trektop back on JK Forum.
Where can I get the best deal?
Thanks in advance.
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