WINNERS of the 7,000 Member Celebration Shot Glasses Giveaway!!


Staff member
Hey Everyone, I'd really like to thank all of you for participating in this giveaway and for posting up all the great pics! So you know, we have picked 3 winners at random and here they are...


enjoying the view

Naked, waiting to go take the kiddo to piano lessons. 

Sent from my iPhone somewhere in Texas.
Semper Fi!

Stripped down ready to heave some fun!

Congrats to all!! Hope the first shot in those glasses is Honey! One round for each winner.:honey::honey::honey:
SWEET, I just bought a bottle of honey on Saturday so the first taste will be from my new shot glasses!
Congrats guys! :thumb: There isn’t too many things better than receiving WAYALIFE shot glasses! :honey:
My beautiful wife and I are going to have a shot of Honey in your honor! :yup: (in our WAYALIFE shot glasses of course)!

PS- as a matter of principle we only use our WAYALIFE glasses for Honey. :crazyeyes:

Congrats to you winners!

You are part of a select few, lucky enough to own those rare gems. I hope to be part of that club soon. 👍
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