White Rim Camping - June'22 - looking for party to join us.


New member
We secured permit to stay 3 nights on White Rim trail, Canyonlands, it is for 3 jeeps and 6 people. Our original party resigned, but we still want to go, yet not alone. We have a plan to be in Moab 3 days in advance, do couple scenic trails and then hit White Rim.

Long story short - we are looking for company, we can bring additional two vehicles with us on White Rim.

Here are the details:
  • June 11 - arrive in Moab, stay in condo, we have condo booked in Moab for 3 nights prior White Rim run, for June 11-13;
  • June 12-13 - scenic runs around Moab (TBD by group);
  • June 14-15-16 - we have permit to camp 3 nights on White Rim, Canyonlands - White Crack site (2) and Hardscrabble(1);
  • June 17th - depart from White Rim (west side)
You can join us in Moab and stay with us in condo, but I need to know if you are interested to go by May 9th (in order to keep or cancel condo).
1/3 share of condo is around $528 (competitive to hotel in Moab for three nights during that time).

If you would like to join please PM and let us know if you want join entire trip or only White Rim part.

I you do not know me, here are two videos you can check:
(timeline 1:15 -> that's me, although no long hair anymore🙂 )
Snow wheeling in summer:
(I am in green jeep)

White Rim trail is moderate trail, nothing technical, stock 4wd vehicles are capable of doing that trail. You need to be confident with your rig and its condition. Temperature will be on the hot side, so you need to be comfortable with such weather. And you will need to be equipped and ready to be self-sufficient for at least three days (water, water, food, camping gear. ... and water).

uggggghhhhhh! would love to go, but we will be on the east coast for most of June. My wife and I did this trip in October 2019; it's incredible. June might be a little hotter than it was for us. We stayed at Airport, Candlestick and Labyrinth and had perfect weather. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and I can give you what we experienced......wish you a safe journey and I really wish we could join your party!
Bumping this post, anyone interested?

I need to make the call about condo (cancel or keep).
Have fun. We did WR several years ago and it was AMAZING. Camped two nights and took our time. The timing is not right for us otherwise we'd be in. It will be very toasty. We did the trip in May and it was already pretty warm. Awesome time, nonetheless.
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