Which PSC kit


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Which PSC hydro assist kit is everyone running? I've been researching these kits after shearing off my sector shaft. I've seen the extreme duty PSC SK-260 or the trail & street kit PSC SK-255. By the descriptions online it looks like the trail & street is the way to go but I'd appreciate some real world experiences.
Which PSC hydro assist kit is everyone running? I've been researching these kits after shearing off my sector shaft. I've seen the extreme duty PSC SK-260 or the trail & street kit PSC SK-255. By the descriptions online it looks like the trail & street is the way to go but I'd appreciate some real world experiences.

I have the extreme duty kit! The only difference is the bore size of the ram assit. Slightly bigger on the extreme duty. My vote goes to the extreme duty kit! :thumb::yup:
Go extreme duty. That's what I have. If you ever go more than 37s you will need it. Only diff vs trail and street is that with extreme, your steering on the road will feel more sensitive/tight.
Extreme duty...

Like the others, I run the extreme. But I have the extreme duty for after market axles, which is designed to be a weld on application for the ram assist brackets.
i had the same question when i sheared off my sector shaft back in the spring. They don't offer the trail&street version anymore so that makes the decision easy. Extreme Duty
Could save some cash by tapping your steer gear,buying a ram from anywhere then add psc high volume pump kit and your set
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