When It Rains!!!!


New member
It Pours!!! Just got the front drive shaft rebuilt, and now all of the sudden!!!! BAMMMM !!!! New noise. I hear a very light squeaking noise when driving, and then when I press the clutch, the noise gets a lot louder and the clutch pedal feels softer. Any thoughts?
Sounds like your through out bearing is going or the pressure plate. How many miles?

Check your clutch fluid. No I am not joking there is a reservior for clutch fluid. Looks like a master break reservior.

I Agree with Will.

Throwout bearing on my truck makes the same noise. Let out the clutch and it makes a squealing noise.

Possible good news is that at least with my truck its annoying but have not fixed it in 30k miles. However mine only makes noise when using the clutch not normal operation.
As mentioned, most likely your throwout bearing and it's very common. Also, there is no reservoir on a JK as it is a part of the master cylinder. So long as you have enough brake fluid, you are good to go.
Well, after a fuel stop, the sound is actually coming from under the hood! Sounds to be coming from what I guess is the idler pulley. Clutch doesn't feel soft now! May have just been my brain playing tricks on me since I automatically assumed worse case!
It's a job for sure being that the transmission is big and heavy and awkward to pull. Having the right tools will help but it only cost me $600 to have it done at a small town shop when mine finally gave out half way between LA a Tahoe.

Being that you're smelling something burning, I might give your clutch slave a closer look as it could be going out and causing all your grief. I've gone through 3 of them in just about 80,000 miles.
Forgot that I tried Moochie's suggestion of a good shot of lube with the pulleys. Pretty sure I had some overspray! Think that may account for my smell. I hate not be mechanically inclined!
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