What's wrong with my rear driveshaft?


Caught the Bug
Ok, I've seen many of threads about the front driveshaft boots tearing on autos resulting in spitting grease but never anything about the rear. Is this; an issue, serviceable, no issue, or the end of the road?



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Are you still under warranty? If so I'd just do the easy thing and let them fix it for free.
My buddy's stock '12 sport 6 speed did that, on the front shaft though and he got it all taken care of for free from jeep.
If the pinion seal is leaking, would ensuring the differential fluid is at the appropriate level prevent issues?

You could keep checking it and keep it topped off, but that won't stop the leak.

The pinion seal is a fairly easy replacement, if you know what you are doing.

A decent repair shop that does differential gear work/swaps can do this for less that a $100.00 usually. The dealer will get twice that and probably screw it up the first time. (my opinion)

That looks to me like a pinion seal leak and not a problem with the driveshaft.

yup, pinion seal leak - NOT a problem with the drive shaft. I would get this fixed as it could be caused by a pinion coming loose or bearing going bad. Also, if oil can get out, water can get in.
Hmm, so I'm up to a pinion leak, oil pan leak, and a transmission line leak.

...so how do you know when it's time to put your JK out to pasteur...
Not for a few leaks. :)

That's true. Im just coming off a weekend when I changed the ignition coil because there was no firing at all in cylinder 2. Then I slide under to inspect the cats from another trouble code that appeared and noticed this issue so it's starting to pile up but I guess after a little over 6 years and 118k that is to be expected.
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