what's with the hate from other forums & bob-o12jk / jeeplover????


New member
Posted a pic on Facebook yesterday on another Jeep forum and all hell broke lose. The picture was me wheeling with some WAYALIFERS, at Rausch Creek in PA, of course I was proudly displaying my WAYALIFE sticker. Crazy how they acted.
Posted a pic on Facebook yesterday on another Jeep forum and all hell broke lose. The picture was me wheeling with some WAYALIFERS, at Rausch Creek in PA, of course I was proudly displaying my WAYALIFE sticker. Crazy how they acted.

Good question. Seems many have formed a negative opinion of Eddie. I stay out of those threads or topics. Eddie has been cool the couple times I have wheeled with him and his friends.
Good question. Seems many have formed a negative opinion of Eddie. I stay out of those threads or topics. Eddie has been cool the couple times I have wheeled with him and his friends.

Eddie was cool too when I met in at suds and grubs. But what isn't cool is when.someone posts up a bumper that was fabricated from a guy his father and eddies starts talking trash about it. When he.knows damn well that the guy is in a freaking wheelchair. I wheeled with this guy last weekend and I.gave him so much.respect for doing what he loves and being a paraplegic at the same time. He is such a nice guy and he wheels pretty damn hard for not being able to use his legs. I learned a lot from Eddie in person and from his forum.and write ups but I dont.think he has the right to talk trash.about a guy that is handicapped

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
I took the high road. Don't know Eddie.personally, but I sure like the forum and what he's done for the Jeep brother and sister hood. Oh well can't please everyone.
I took the high road. Don't know Eddie personally, but I sure like the forum and what he's done for the Jeep brother and sister hood. Oh well can't please everyone.
Also im sure overlander will PM Eddie right away to tattle tell on me so when Eddie starts posting up on here at 8am, he can trash talk me too.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Hell, he probably sent him a text and a voicemail too cuz We all kno how much overlander loves eddie.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Posted a pic on Facebook yesterday on another Jeep forum and all hell broke lose. The picture was me wheeling with some WAYALIFERS, at Rausch Creek in PA, of course I was proudly displaying my WAYALIFE sticker. Crazy how they acted.

All because of a pic that you posted up on the internet. Think about that one for a moment.

Eddie was cool too when I met in at suds and grubs. But what isn't cool is when.someone posts up a bumper that was fabricated from a guy his father and eddies starts talking trash about it. When he.knows damn well that the guy is in a freaking wheelchair. I wheeled with this guy last weekend and I.gave him so much.respect for doing what he loves and being a paraplegic at the same time. He is such a nice guy and he wheels pretty damn hard for not being able to use his legs. I learned a lot from Eddie in person and from his forum.and write ups but I dont.think he has the right to talk trash.about a guy that is handicapped

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

Funny, your "handicapped" friend specifically said "Find a friend that can fab and Make your own. You can make one just as strong as an EVO or LOD for a quarter of the price" and all I did was question what he said, just like I would have anyone. It's one thing for you to make something because you wanted to and another to "find someone you can use" just so that you can save some money. Or, at least, that was my point. I NEVER made any mention of him being handicapped because I really didn't think it should make a difference as you seem to think it should. You're right, I have met you and thought you were cool but, now see that you're the kind of guy that think people with a disability should somehow get respect and special treatment just because of it. And, when a guy like me talks to him AS AN EQUAL, it's somehow "trash talk." You my friend are a winner :thumb:
Also im sure overlander will PM Eddie right away to tattle tell on me so when Eddie starts posting up on here at 8am, he can trash talk me too.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

Hell, he probably sent him a text and a voicemail too cuz We all kno how much overlander loves eddie.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app

LOL!! You've sure had a lot of time to think about all this and clearly believe whatever it is you want to believe.

I'll leave the trash talking to you.

EDIT: LOL!! I see that you're buddies with CombatVetJK too. Now I understand where all this is coming from.
It's all just the nature of Forums (and internet communities in general). The second someone posts a differing opinion (which they always do) it becomes trash talk. Whatever, who cares?
It's all just the nature of Forums (and internet communities in general). The second someone posts a differing opinion (which they always do) it becomes trash talk. Whatever, who cares?
Its easy to be BIG on a Forum. Better to do it in real life.
LOL!! You've sure had a lot of time to think about all this and clearly believe whatever it is you want to believe.

I'll leave the trash talking to you.

EDIT: LOL!! I see that you're buddies with CombatVetJK too. Now I understand where all this is coming from.

Anyways......how did you know about this forum at 5:30am when you dont normally post until 8am. Lol was I right about overlander sending you a pm, text or calling you lol

Sent from my SPH-L720 using WAYALIFE mobile app
All because of a pic that you posted up on the internet. Think about that one for a moment.

Funny, your "handicapped" friend specifically said "Find a friend that can fab and Make your own. You can make one just as strong as an EVO or LOD for a quarter of the price" and all I did was question what he said, just like I would have anyone. It's one thing for you to make something because you wanted to and another to "find someone you can use" just so that you can save some money. Or, at least, that was my point. I NEVER made any mention of him being handicapped because I really didn't think it should make a difference as you seem to think it should. You're right, I have met you and thought you were cool but, now see that you're the kind of guy that think people with a disability should somehow get respect and special treatment just because of it. And, when a guy like me talks to him AS AN EQUAL, it's somehow "trash talk." You my friend are a winner :thumb:

Eddie, I'm kinda new at all this, really didn't think it was a big deal, lesson learned.
I still don't get why people get so butt hurt about opinions on a forum. If you wish to not have comments about something you did, don't post it. Opinions are just that, not the be all end all. Take everything said with a grain of salt and judge for your self. Will you find out the hard way, maybe or maybe not. People offer opinions usually because they've tried it already. I find MOST of the people on this and the other forums I'm on, to be very supportive and helpful. Some people just need to have a cold one and chill out. It's very easy to NOT post on a forum. Just my opinion..........
I still don't get why people get so butt hurt about opinions on a forum. If you wish to not have comments about something you did, don't post it. Opinions are just that, not the be all end all. Take everything said with a grain of salt and judge for your self. Will you find out the hard way, maybe or maybe not. People offer opinions usually because they've tried it already. I find MOST of the people on this and the other forums I'm on, to be very supportive and helpful. Some people just need to have a cold one and chill out. It's very easy to NOT post on a forum. Just my opinion..........
Shots of honey on me!!!!!
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