Wave from Vacaville, CA


New member
Hey everyone! I'm proud to say I've finally purchased my first Jeep, being an Unlimited Rubicon model. I'm in the Navy, and been in Japan for 7 years and finally stationed stateside for the first time in my career. Got married out there, and now have two daughters...hence the screen name. While I was out there, really got into the street scene and learned to drift and did gymkhana events as well. Now that I'm back, definitely wanted to get back into the outdoor life. My father still has his old CJ-5, but it probably hasn't moved since our last trip 14 years ago on the Dusy Ershim... But yeah...love driving my Jeep every day since the purchase! Watched pretty much all of Eddie's videos, and they get me amp'd to hit the trails. Although being military, and being the single source of family income, I doubt my rig will be upgraded while I'm stationed out here (sad face). I keep writing the President to give me a raise, and/or promote me, but he hasn't gotten back to me just yet.

If any of you can suggest some decent trails for a stock Jeep...please pass them my way (up in the Northern California area)! Would love going out with some groups too, but work schedule is funky due to military...yet willing to get strapped along a tough trail too. Hopefully the picture works below, just a quick snap from my cell out near my work. Take care all. Hope to see you all around at some point.

Congratulations on the purchase. You have one very capable stock rig. I'm sure there our some forum members out your way. Just keep watching for someone to post up a run. Congrats again and welcome! Thank you for what you do! Have fun in the Jeep!
Welcome John, I grew up in Vacaville! I now live in Arizona, but it did put a smile on my face to see someone from Vaca checking in! By the way my name is John also, welcome to Wayalife.:clap2:
Welcome to the club. Thank you for your service, and welcome back stateside. , Im sure you will enjoy your Rubi. I have two. an 08 4dr, and a12 2 dr. As stated in prior responses, You got a very capable Jeep. You can concentrate most of your mods, to bumpers, winch, Lift although what you have isnt to bad depending on what you want to do with it. Anyways Best of luck, Keep the rubber side down, and check out a few other sites. Military Jeepers, JK owners, wrangler board.
Thanks for the welcome everybody. And another thank you for the military supporters as well. Hit my first trail this weekend with the family. I went online to find something pretty easy, and I found the Corral Hollow trail. I wanted something decently easy to get my wife to drive a little bit, plus something not too crazy for the kids in the back to get tossed around. It was a great day run, and some nice views.




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