Wave from Ridgecrest CA


New member
Quick wave to introduce myself to the Jeep community. In '05 I got the itch to 4x with work buddies. My choices: Rubicon or H3. I chose the H3, due to more space for my youngsters. GM bugs aside, love the product, capability, uniqueness if it. Recently ran Last Chance Canyon with Woody3, his Jeep crew and our Hummer crew. Had a great time! Hope to do more runs soon! Hit me up, if I have time I'm always looking to run good trails with good folks!!

Welcome Mike and when you see me in my Jeep give me a wave! Just be sure you got the right RED Jeep in town, there are about 6! LOL
Good to hear you had fun with Woody, he is a great guy and I like wheeling with him and his dad. See ya!

Here's a few

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