Wave from Omaha


New member
Hey guys. Been on the JK-Forum for a while but new to Wayalife.... thought I'd say hi. Getting amp'd up for the new Heartland Experience to come out! Big fan of all the Wayalife films. Cheers and Happy New Year!


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Nice rig! Welcome to da forum! My home city. What radio show do you listen to out of curiousity?

We just move here a few months ago... haven't really got a radio station yet. It's been cool so far though, a lot different from Boston where I spent the last 11 years. All the money I'm saving on rent is going towards the Jeep. Win win!!
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We just move here a few months ago... haven't really got a radio station yet. It's been cool so far though, a lot different from Boston where I spent the last 11 years. All the money I'm saving on rent is going towards the Jeep. Win win!!

Take a listen to The Big Party Show. That's my bro's show. He just got a 2013 4dr red one. Sweet Jeep you got there!:rock:
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