Caught the Bug
Hi all! My name is Chris. I live in Middletown, Delaware. My wife and I are on our second JK Sahara Unlimted. We own a '14 Granite Crystal. We traded our '13 Billet Silver a little over 1.5 years ago because we really liked the Granite. I'm real new to modding Jeeps. Have owned and performed some subtle cosmetic mods to an '02 BMW 3-Series, and a '10 Camaro SS. Both of which are long gone. We have really enjoyed owning the JK. Last weekend I finally lifted our JK with a 3" Teraflex and 35s mounted on 18" Fuel Beasts. Wife and I want to get on some trails and do some camping. Don't see too much rock climbing in our future but you never know. Hope to hang around and learn a few things and make some new friends. Also really into A/V and Home Theater and big Batman fan. Here's a few pics of our JK currently. I have a list of items I'd like to add and over the winter I'd like to regear our differentials. :standing wave: