Wave from Middletown, DE


Caught the Bug
Hi all! My name is Chris. I live in Middletown, Delaware. My wife and I are on our second JK Sahara Unlimted. We own a '14 Granite Crystal. We traded our '13 Billet Silver a little over 1.5 years ago because we really liked the Granite. I'm real new to modding Jeeps. Have owned and performed some subtle cosmetic mods to an '02 BMW 3-Series, and a '10 Camaro SS. Both of which are long gone. We have really enjoyed owning the JK. Last weekend I finally lifted our JK with a 3" Teraflex and 35s mounted on 18" Fuel Beasts. Wife and I want to get on some trails and do some camping. Don't see too much rock climbing in our future but you never know. Hope to hang around and learn a few things and make some new friends. Also really into A/V and Home Theater and big Batman fan. Here's a few pics of our JK currently. I have a list of items I'd like to add and over the winter I'd like to regear our differentials. :standing wave:





Thanks for the welcomes. I stumbled upon this forum looking for info on aligning the Jeep after installing the lift. The alignment thread was really informative and it was clear there is a wealth of knowledge here. I gotta admit, after browsing the forum (build threads especially) I hope I don't regret the Teraflex purchase. For my purposes I think I'll be okay but I wish I had spent another few weeks on research. While I just don't see myself being off road often enough to invest in Evo Coil-Overs. It seems perhaps I could've gotten a superior product for similar $. I'll continue to read and learn. So far, I've been blown away by the incredible builds here.
:) Just wanted to say I've been spending A LOT of time reading all sorts of threads and learning. This is a great group of enthusiasts and I'm looking forward to learning more about the JKU. Read several build threads from beginning to end (some of which are 200+ pages cough*Cozdude*cough) and getting some inspiration for the direction(s) I would like to take our JKU. One of the changes I'm ready to make as soon as possible is swap out my Teraflex coils and shocks for some EVO Plushrides and Rancho shocks. From there I'll probably go for some new lights, JWSpeaker or Trucklites most likely. The JWs seems to be more my style. One thing I've been pleasantly surprised in enjoying, is the nicknames everyone has given their Jeeps. It just adds to the overall personality of both the members and their Jeeps and it's a small but really cool thing. So in similar fashion I've decided to dub our '14 Sahara "Tumbler" and have even reserved the tag with the DE DMV. It's definitely in keeping with my newfound passion for this vehicle and my other hobby of Batman collectibles (you'll instantly know the "Tumbler" reference from the Dark Knight Trilogy). I'll probably start a build thread which will move along incredibly slowly since I don't know exactly what the end game is for Tumbler especially being out here on the East Coast. I want it to be much more than a mall crawler but built smartly in ways that make the most sense for the way my wife and I will use it and fits a modest budget. Enough about all that here, I'll start a build thread very soon.
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