warn-M vs superwinch-TS vs current XRC8


New member
so while I'm deployed and have extra cash flow coming in I'm doing a complete remodel of my jk. new bruiser bumpers, metal cloak fenders, sportgate, and few other odds and ends. one of the things on the odds and end list is a new winch or at least switching my XRC8 over to synthetic to get rid of that ugly roller head (will not make my brand new bruiser bumper look good). so my current XRC8 has seen better days I bought the jeep with it on there already and the finish has faded, the control housing has faded and the stickers are all bubbled out like it may have got hot, and the clutch handle is got a rust spot starting on it, so should i same some money and switch to synthetic or just put that money towards a new winch? if I go to synthetic ill probably choose this 3/8" Fireline with Gusseted Tube Thimble - Orange and do factor 55 fairlead and a prolink. all that added up is roughly 480 without shipping or any mil discounts. The other road to take is just to get a new winch (i prefer, but hate to spend extra). if I go new I'm looking at the warn 87800 M8000-s (Amazon $880) or the superwinch tigershark 9500SR (Amazon $507). there is a 380 dollar difference, I know the M series is 100% USA made vs the TS is prob all China. id like some feedback of your opinions on all 3 options and what you would do and the reason why. I'm leaning hard toward the warn but I love the price of the TS

Answers to lots of your questions can be found here: https://wayalife.com/showthread.php...-quot-Top-end-quot-Smittybilt-winch-questions

As far as the Factor 55 thimble goes, check this thread (make sure you watch the video for the time stamp shown & see the guy hammering the shit out of his thimble) out on the JLWrangler sister site: https://jlwrangler.com/showthread.php?2184-Hook-vs-Prolink

so I'm not sure the shackle size he was using but the prolink is made to fit a standard 3/4in shackle even say it on there website just saying, and numerous youtube videos show people using it with shackles so not too worried about that, and i appreciate the 1st link had soe good insite on people opions on the m8000
so I'm not sure the shackle size he was using but the prolink is made to fit a standard 3/4in shackle even say it on there website just saying, and numerous youtube videos show people using it with shackles so not too worried about that, and i appreciate the 1st link had soe good insite on people opions on the m8000

Yeah, the second link is food for thought. If you've pre-checked everything on your rig and you know it all fits thats a good thing. There are an awful lot of people out there that have not done so and come to regret it once it's time to actually use all this shit. :grayno:
At one point Superwinches were made in Taiwan and were better quality than the Chinese winches. I don’t know if that’s still the case. I have a couple of friends with Superwinches and they are happy with them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they have never used them, so I wouldn’t put much into that.
At one point Superwinches were made in Taiwan and were better quality than the Chinese winches. I don’t know if that’s still the case. I have a couple of friends with Superwinches and they are happy with them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they have never used them, so I wouldn’t put much into that.

i love the price of the tigershark but im steering away from it, they say it has the brake in the motor but when you look at the parts diagram its deffently in the drum and when you search the brake part number it comes up as drum brake. so to me that says they are throwing false selling points on there products so who knows where they are truly made
I've owned 3 warns and never had an issue. I'm running a M8000-S on my current jeep. I like it. It's smaller, lower profile, already has the synthetic cable, and it's got plenty of power for any winching I've used it for.

Wait for a black friday sale....
i think iv set my mind on the warn and im gunna wait around till black friday im deployed so its not like ill be using it or seeing it anytime soon so i can wait but idk if the price will even be lower right now amazon wants 879 for it and northridge wants the same and northridge will not give me the mili discount because warn wont allow it or some crap is what they told me
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