VIDEO : All Terrain Tires that Grapple the Snow


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The Terra Grappler G3 is the all new and redesigned All Terrain Tire made by Nitto and it's one that's true, 3 Mountain Peak Snowflake or what some refer to as, a 3PMS snow rated tire. In this video, you'll get to learn a bit more about some of it's features, what makes it so awesome and get a sampling of how it performs out in the slick and slippery white stuff.

#nittotire #allterrain #tire #3pms #3mountainpeaksnowflake #snowtire
Good timing!

Having been a longtime fan of BFG, I put my 1st set of Nitto on the JLU and have been happy with them.

I've been looking at these to replace the Cooper Pro 37x13.5 on the JKU and dropping down to a 315 since it's the size that did well with the 3.8L.

In my area, these are priced a little less than the BFG and have a better mileage warranty, these look like they're worth the try.
Good timing!

Having been a longtime fan of BFG, I put my 1st set of Nitto on the JLU and have been happy with them.

I've been looking at these to replace the Cooper Pro 37x13.5 on the JKU and dropping down to a 315 since it's the size that did well with the 3.8L.

In my area, these are priced a little less than the BFG and have a better mileage warranty, these look like they're worth the try.
BFG makes a good tire but I really do think these new Terra Grappler G3s did a much better job in the snow. Of course, the 70k warranty is nothing short of amazing.
Those look pretty slick. At Toyo Trail Pass last September I was talking with some folks and they were talking about Nitto releasing these. Glad to hear they perform well. And 70k mile warranty is crazy...haha
The warranty is nuts for sure. And yes, so far, I've found them to perform great as a daily driver and definitely in the snow.
The warranty is nuts for sure. And yes, so far, I've found them to perform great as a daily driver and definitely in the snow.
If only we had more white stuff here...haha. I switched from Cooper STT Pro to the Toyo RT Trail and for daily driving it's crazy how much more comfortable they are. Not to mention I picked up better acceleration, better speed maintenance on hills, and about an extra MPG. One of these days I'll see how they do on the trail...haha.
I am interested to hear how they do on the trails. What are we losing (compared with something like the Ridge Grapplers "M+S") to get better all-weather capabilities?
I am interested to hear how they do on the trails. What are we losing (compared with something like the Ridge Grapplers "M+S") to get better all-weather capabilities?
Just like any all terrain, I would say these will most likely do great on slick rock, like what you find in Moab or Sand Hollow. Where they will most likely come up short is on the rocks as they lack more aggressive/larger voids to claw their way up them. I would imagine in the mud, they will really fall short as well but then, Ridge Grapplers would too.
Just like any all terrain, I would say these will most likely do great on slick rock, like what you find in Moab or Sand Hollow. Where they will most likely come up short is on the rocks as they lack more aggressive/larger voids to claw their way up them. I would imagine in the mud, they will really fall short as well but then, Ridge Grapplers would too.
That's where most AT's fail is in any mud. They just don't seem to clear the mud out of the tread until you get back on hard pan.
Wow, you guys definitely got some snow!

The G3’s look like they really did well in the snow and with that kind of expected mileage those tires are a great choice if you’re looking for an AT tire. You cannot go wrong with Nitto!

Love the Ripley Cam! 😍
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