Very Irritated about car dealership


I found a 2015 Hard Rock for a really good price on an internet site today. It was at a dealer that was about 700 miles from me. I contacted them and got a reply very quickly. In the reply was a link to another internet site. Same price as the first.
I start emailing the dealer. Several emails back and forth. When I start asking if they can do an out of state title and for an estimate of tax, tags, title, etc (told him that I understand the number he gives me wouldn't be a binding offer just trying to see if I can afford) he sends me another email asking if I knew the price was $10,000 more than the advertised price on the two different websites.

Now I'm Irritated.

Vent over.
How spite-ful do you feel?

Might be worth a quick search about their state rules for advertising and bait/switch practices, and a quick email to their state government with copies of your emails.

Otherwise, chalk it up to a dealer you didnt want to do business with anyways. Sucks that this type of stuff still happens.

I am not a big fan of the "no haggle" dealerships as a general rule, but I bought my jeep at one, and they ended up having the best price locally (well under book), and even dropped the price the next day through their automated pricing system(I contacted them one evening and couldnt make it before they closed), and they honored it when I showed up. It was a pleasant enough experience.
You have to read the fine print! All dealer websites have disclaimers that state that the advertised price may not be the real price. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If it's new expect to pay invoice minus the holdback on a Wrangler.
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Sounds to me like a dishonest dealership. I'm a car salesman so I deal with this stuff daily. A lot of times the "web price" will be a couple thousand cheaper than what the "lot price" is, and the reason for that is that it generates traffic. Normally the "web price" is priced with a current incentive, offer, or rebate applied to it, so if you qualified for one of those, technically speaking that would be the price you pay. That's before tag, tax, title, and fees of course. And here in Georgia (not sure what the law is in other states), if a customer brings up the online price, we HAVE to honor that price regardless of the incentives or rebates they do/don't qualify for. It's also worth mentioning that most HONEST dealerships list the lot price on the site, with a eligible rebate deducted from it, with the "web price" at the bottom. For example say go onto a local Chevy dealership's website and want to buy a Silverado 1500 LT. The price would read something like:

-$3,000 eligible rebate.
=$34,840 web special pricing".

Now I have NEVER seen a vehicle listed for 10k less than what the lot price of it is. Normally even after the rebates there's room for a 2-3k front end profit in the vehicle, but saying that it was 10k more than what the online price says seems very very fishy, because it would mean they would be taking almost a 8k loss in front end gross. It sounds like they are trying to take advantage of somebody who they think isn't knowledgeable about the vehicles and use it to make HUGE front end gross on it.
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Shop around. Find the one you want loaded out the way you want it. Figure out what other dealers are getting for them.
Then start by making an offer. Tell them this is what you want and this is what you can afford. Stand your ground, dont be pushed over by the tactics that are used.
Remember this is their game, they play it every day and play it well.

Get your own financing from a bank/ credit union you trust. Sometimes a dealer can beat the given rate, but most of the time it is a numbers game and you will lose.

Dang 10K over advertised price! :jaw drop: Write those A-Holes off for good. Even better post up their name and city so we can all be sure to steer clear of them.
I don't need a new Jeep. I have a 2007 Sahara. the 2 door sometimes doesn't work quite so well for my family, but we have other vehicles so not a major concern. Every once in a while I look at the car sales websites (autotrader, cars, cargurus) to see what is out there. If I saw a JKU that was a pretty good price and had what I was looking for I would consider it.
This one was a really good price. The reply i got was:
"Here is one of those exceptional vehicle events that comes along every once in a blue moon.
It has a monster book value and is as priced well below the average retail selling price: (link to cargurus)."
JEEP 1.jpg
He included the link to show how far below average it was. So it wasn't like he didn't know the price was incorrect he was using it to prove his point. They have changed the price on cars and possibly autotader (didn't look there yesterday so I don't know). They haven't changed it on cargurus. My personal thought is because it shows price changes. The others do not.
Just seemed like a pretty underhanded thing to do. Well, like someone already said, "If its looks too good to be true......"
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