Va wayalifers and surrounding states


New member
Look looking to do some runs when the trails open back up in April. Any and all wayalifers interested in organizing a few runs, April- September? Please post trails and dates you'd like to run. Any and all ideas are welcome.
Im down. Id really like to do Potts Mountain sometime in the summer. A quick day trip to Shoe Creek is also nice, however it doesn't have much in the way of Rock Crawling. More of a scenic trail.
I'd like to run Potts Mountian and also the State Line trail(Tuscuora trail) when it opens back up.
Potts sounds good to me too, when would you guys wanna do that? I'm moving to Colorado at the end of June and would like to get a few more Va runs in before my wife and I move.
While I cant confirm myself, how does Easter weekend sound (April 4-5) for a Potts Mountain run? Maybe do a meet n greet out that way the night before and run it in the morning?
I'll have to confirm after this weekend. Not sure if I can do the overnight option, but I could probably meet up in the morning.
I'm in Northern Virginia and I'd love to wheel with some of y'all. My schedule is pretty open with school this semester.
Awesome! It would be great to have a good group going for a run. The dates I suggested are still up in the air. Waiting for the others who have already participated to chime in with their suggestions.
Looks like Potts is about 5 hrs ftom here. May be able to convince the wife

The more the merrier! It's about five hours for me as well. It is why I suggested the meet n greet the night before. Maybe plan to crash at the same hotel.
I'm open for that weekend but would prefer either a couple weeks ahead or after. But don't build around my schedule, I'll work with what is most available to others. I'm only about 1-1/2 hours north, yet I've never been.
Bump! Has most of the snow metled out in the mountains? Im thinking of doing a day run to shoe creek to see how my two year old handles being stuck in the Jeep all day. Thinking about doing it on the 28th.
Yes, it's pretty much all gone. But I'm not totally sure about at Shoe Creek, since it's a bit higher in elevation. The backside of the mountain can get quite nasty. Perhaps I'll ride over there as well.
Bump! Has most of the snow metled out in the mountains? Im thinking of doing a day run to shoe creek to see how my two year old handles being stuck in the Jeep all day. Thinking about doing it on the 28th.

When are you thinking about going? I might be down for going. My dad's jeep club went up to flag pole, there was no snow left up there.
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