unofficial Hidden Falls run Sept 30-Oct 2


New member
This run will be in addition to the official one 10/14-10/16.

When: September 30-October 2

Where: Hidden Falls Adventure Park 7030 E FM 1431, Marble Falls, TX 78654 (830)798-9820

Optional meet up: Sept 30th at 6 pm Janie's Tacos & Deli 909 Ave H, Marble Falls, TX 78654

Copied from the other thread thus Bubba (Granite Head) will still be taking point.

Hey everyone its time to start planning a fall run out to Hidden Falls Adventure Park. Last years turn out was pretty good and had a mixed variety of rigs so I think we'll make 2 separate groups of beginners and experienced. You know your limits so don't feel like just because your rig has all the big boy mods you HAVE to be in a group that’s going to take you out of your comfort zone. Last year we planned to meet up in Marble falls for dinner and then head out to the park to set up camp, but that didn't work out to well. Mostly because the out-of-towners were pressing to get there on time and in the end we all just ended up meeting at camp. This year the option is to meet at Janie's Tacos and Deli in Marble Falls. It’s in the middle of town and right off of 1431 which is the road out of town that the park is on, which should make it easier to meet up and head out together for those that wish to do so. If not, head straight out to the park.

The plan is for someone to volunteer to be a trail lead and tail gunner for each group. Ideally, the trail lead and gunner for each group should get with the members of their respective group on the evening of the 14th and get familiar. this would also be a good time for everyone to go over each others rigs and possible find anything that could fixed before heading out on the trail the next morning. Its possible some might want to cut their fenders that night. Please wait until 2 am on the 15th to do so. On the morning of the 15th we will hold a drivers meeting for each group and then part ways. Lunch back at camp is optional as it can sometimes be easier to stay on the trails. The night of the 15th we will BBQ as a group and decide if we want to run some more trails in the morning or break camp and go home. For now we'll leave that as TBD.

I personally don't know the park well enough to be a trail lead at this time. That could change by then but I doubt it. So anyone feel free to volunteer for the trail leads and tail gunner positions. I do ask that the people that volunteer for these roles have their routes predetermined before we get there. If you want a cabin I recommend you call now and reserve it. The number to the park is at the top of the thread. We can decide how to handle the BBQ once we have an accurate head count. Could be BYOM or a couple of people volunteer to handle it and we all throw a few bucks their way to cover the cost.

If you're interested please reply to this thread and let me know what group you want to be in. Please let me know if you wish to be a trail lead or a tail gunner. Hope to see you there!

CB channel: 4

September 30th:
Everyone arrive at camp and set up. At some point find your trail lead and get familiar. Inspect rig

October 1st:
Drivers meetings: 9 am
Depart for trails: 9:15 am
At some point (lunch time) we can regroup and determine if some want to switch groups or continue on the way we are.
Group BBQ starting at 6:30 pm

October 2nd:
TBD. Depending on what everyone wants to do we could run a couple of trails that morning or just break camp and head home. We will decide the night before.

Experienced group required gear:
3" or more of lift
35" or larger tires
Front and rear tow points

Beginners group required gear:
The willingness to scratch your undercarriage and not freak out.

Experienced group
Tail Gunner:
Granite Head

1. Jackal01 + wife and dog

2. tdougherty81

3. Texas Nick

4. Angry Austin

5. Mike Houston JK 711


7. Benito


Beginners group
Tail Gunner: overland_stormtrooper

1. Jeremy2027

2. aemfinger

3. still in school

4. Kyle7R

5. Dempsey

6. Romac2223

7. Pinkcamotexan

8. notnalc68

9. Packers937



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I'll try. Will firm up closer to the run... I might take my dad out again for a run in the "BIG jeep" :thumb:

Edit: I'll lead the "experienced" group if it works out unless someone else wants to
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What does everyone plan to do about lodgings?

either camp, or la quinta :cheesy: I would be interested in a cabin/bunk house depending on cost... I'll look it up in a few minutes

Edit: Negative on the bunk house/cabin ($212/night); Camp or La Quinta confirmed... :cheesy:
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either camp, or la quinta :cheesy: I would be interested in a cabin/bunk house depending on cost... I'll look it up in a few minutes

Edit: Negative on the bunk house/cabin ($212/night); Camp or La Quinta confirmed... :cheesy:

The best western in marble falls ain't too bad either, for ~$100 a night :yup: That's where I stayed the last couple times.
Camping end of Sept in Marble Falls will actually be really nice temps by then...lows of 60 overnight, highs of mid 80's during the day while on the trails. I might be up for camping as well if I can swing this weekend.

Last year around that time was nice. I think we were at 50s at night.
Man those temps sound amazing right now. I forget the name of the hotel we usually stay at at marble falls, but its he one with the whataburger right in front of it. Only reason i stay there lol
The hotel itself actually isnt too bad either
Man those temps sound amazing right now. I forget the name of the hotel we usually stay at at marble falls, but its he one with the whataburger right in front of it. Only reason i stay there lol
The hotel itself actually isnt too bad either

Quality Inn :yup: :thumb:
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