Truck lites?


New member
Are they worth it? What kind? How difficult is instalation


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Yes, more than worth it.

And about as easy as plugging your phone in to charge.

EDIT: just saw this wasn't for a JK. Not sure how hard it is to put in but definitely worth it.
Just installed mine. WOW... What a difference. I have Truck Lites and the infamous X or cross in the light pattern does take some getting use to. I wanted the JW's 2 but got these used for next to nothing. I'm very happy, I wish this would have been my first mod.
Both Wayalife and Hack have installed trucklites in their XJs. They look great and I definitely recommend them. :yup:
Do they give you that blue look or is it clear, I'd rather have them bright and clear not the fake xenon look
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