Took some guys from Taiwan off road and shooting


New member
So my brother inlaw works for LAM industries and they had a few guys in town from Hainchu Taiwan. They had never shot a gun and never gotten to ride in a jeep. So I took them out Saturday and fixed that in style we dropped the doors and top off and went up the mountain here are a few pictures and videos of our little outing up Lolo Pass up by mount hood. Hope y'all enjoy I'm sure they did they did not stop smiling the entire drive.

The boys in a poser shot


We started them off with a 22


But then I broke out the big boy aka El Beasto my 460 S&W Mag
Here is my friend Chad showing it off for the camera

Then it was their turn to shoot it needless to say they can't have this kind of fun in Taiwan!

Then Chad had not shot El Beasto yet so he had to get in on the fun

And yes when in a jeep you have to do a little off road fun while a mild road to most of us to the guys from Taiwan they were a little scared at first. But they had fun for sure

They all survived their encounter with El Beasto and my driving and are back in their hotel for sure going to remember this trip for some time to come. Next time they are in town I might have to get them over to Tillamook State Forest.

Hope y'all enjoyed my report as much as I did taking them out gotta love America!!
Pretty drive. Fair warning though, the Forest Service LE run lots of shooters out of there. Something about the power lines being important... LOL. Some great shooting pits down 224 past the Ripplebrook Ranger Station. Go far enough and you can usually have them to yourself (I'm not fond of sharing a pit with drunk twenty-somethings showing their buddies how cool they are).
We have never had an issues Saturday we had LE drive past stop and chat for a few minutes and keep on going. I think it all depends on where you shoot down there and really the type of people shooting
Yeah I do all my own reloading so it's not that expensive to shoot the 500 and 460 are the same frame and size the 469 just shoots the bullet a lot faster
I too reload. I do not have the die set for the 500 though. How much does it cost you to reload the 460 per round, just a guess?
Not too bad. Beats paying 40 bucks for a box of 20! Luckily, I don't shoot mine much. We just have a ton of moose and bears up here, and I always take it when I take the kids backpacking.
I bet that was a lot of fun, and props for you showing them a good time. When I was younger my one good friend, me, and his dad took some Japanese business men (his dad traveled over there a lot for business) to a Amish flea market/farmers market which they went nuts over.
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