Toe adjustment

The BAD Influence

Active Member
While trying to figure out the wobble on our Jeep, we had several shops look at and try to diagnose the issue. One buddy who has an alignment shop noticed the toe was a little too far out, so we adjusted them in a bit.
I finally had time to install the Crown ball joints, and knew immediately that had fixed the wobble. However, now it seems to want to wonder, or follow every little imperfection in the road.
Since it's obvious we adjusted the toe in, based on bad ball joints, and all other tie rods are tight, would this slight toe in be causing what I'm describing.
Use a tape measure to measure the outside of the tire tread blocks in front and behind. You should be 1/16"-1/8" shorter in the front.
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I've experienced a lot of ball joints replacements over the years (not just in Jeeps) that can cause a different feel in the steering once the repair is done. Some can create a little flightiness and some can be stickier causing steering to not return to center. Drive it a few thousand miles and see if it changes. Also make sure your caster angle is 4+ if you haven't done that already.
I noticed when I replaced my ball joints they were stiff and would not return to center. Over compensating with the steering wheel made it feel flighty. Good news is they loosen up after a few hundred miles or a couple times off road and flightiness goes away...assuming your alignment is correct.
What WJCO said and mc said. When i put on my new crown ball joints, i felt that wandering feel until they finally started to break in. After that, it was all good, and the steering wheel would return back to center on its own again.
Same with the Dynatrac BJ's. Once the pieces inside the joint get all happy with each other they settle down.
Thank you all for the feedback. I don't think anything has ever happened to the tie rod that would have bent it. However, based on the alignment rack, we definitely adjusted the toe in. I just measured and have 3/8" difference in the back of the tire and front, front being the shortest measurement. I can see holding off and letting the new ball joints set, but with that much difference, I think I better make some adjustments. Toe out.
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