To sell or not to sell?


New member
OK guys here's my dilemma..... I have a Rubicon front sway bar with the no limits manual disconnect ( I just cleaned and rebuilt a few months ago, haven't re-installed yet) and a sport bar, because of work I rarely get to go ride and trails or go camping ( when we do go camping it's usually near Mormon Lake.) In all reality I've never even disconnected the front, never needed to. Which do I keep and which do I sell and why? I was thinking 100$ for the sport if I sell it or 420$ for the Rubicon if I sell it because it would come with the no limits disconnect and poly bushings. You guys tell me, thx in advance.

Edited for dang auto correct....
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OK guys here's my dilemma..... I have a Rubicon front sway bar with the no limits manual disconnect ( I just cleaned and rebuilt a few months ago, haven't re-installed yet) and a sport bar, because of work I rarely get to go ride and trails or go camping ( when we do go camping it's usually near Mormon Lake.) In all reality I've never even disconnected the front, never needed to. Which do I keep and which do I sell and why? I was thinking 100$ for the sport if I sell it or 420$ for the Rubicon if I sell it because it some with no limits disconnect and poly bushings. You guys tell me, thx in advance.

personally I don't think a sport bar is worth that much as many have them laying around, also I think maybe closer to 350 would be a good point for the rubi bar if the bushings are new. as for what to do, kind seems like you don't need to disconnect all that much and could sell the rubi bar and use the money for other mods more suited to your needs/wants.
I personally would keep the Rubi bar. I know you said you don't wheel a lot and when you do you don't disco but I would keep it installed just I case you ever need to disco.
Always nice to have the option to disconnect, but then again as was already stated if needing to disconnect isn't an issue sell for other mods, personally I would rather have it , than need it and not.
I personally would keep the Rubi bar. I know you said you don't wheel a lot and when you do you don't disco but I would keep it installed just I case you ever need to disco.

Thx for the advise guys, Cozdude, noroad you guys have been helping me out since I first started visiting this forum and I appreciate your opinion, I was kinda leaning that way from the get go, "better to have and not need, than need and not have." thx again everyone that chimed in.

Edited again.... Because auto correct is the devil.
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I personally would keep the Rubi bar. I know you said you don't wheel a lot and when you do you don't disco but I would keep it installed just I case you ever need to disco.
X2 on this, take a guess how many people here didn't think they would need 35s, lockers, quick/electric disconnects etc and caught the bug full bore. It's a disease that strikes the healthiest of us - and there is no cure.
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