To PR44 or save up for PR60

Parker "P.T." JK

New member
Okay so I'm debating whether to get a PR44 then bump up to PR60's. I do mostly light wheeling, but there's some crazy stuff here in Oklahoma that I'll want to try. Should I wait and save or stage up? I'm gonna be running 37's w/ sleeves, gussets, truss, and new axle shafts on my D30.
Okay so I'm debating whether to get a PR44 then bump up to PR60's. I do mostly light wheeling, but there's some crazy stuff here in Oklahoma that I'll want to try. Should I wait and save or stage up?

If you're just going to be running 37's, a PR44 will serve you well, even on the crazy stuff you have out in your neck of the woods.

I'm gonna be running 37's w/ sleeves, gussets, truss, and new axle shafts on my D30

If you're thinking about upgrading your axle, why put so much money int your D30? If it were me, I'd just play with it until it breaks or I could afford to upgrade.
Do many folks run 40's? I'd go there eventually but the cost of two axles would make me cry like a little girl :)

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Do many folks run 40's? I'd go there eventually but the cost of two axles would make me cry like a little girl :)


nah, most don't and really, you don't need them. 37's will take you just about anywhere you want to go.
There is actually a bit of an argument against going over 37". Unless you run with a group that's built as big most trails won't have enough challenge for 40's. Most guys will be on 35 or 37's so with bigger tires you won't be challenged as much.
Or even a Prorock 44/60, Thats what Vengeance had right?

I'd you plan on going 37's and no bigger do the PR44 with HD housing. Like others said run your 30 till it breaks. My good buddy, and fellow forum member, has a D30 with 37's AND 5.13's he's been running for well over 30k without any issues so far. Not the ideal setup obviously but it can be done.

I'm running 37's on my d44 (EVO C2 gussets) with stock 4.10's and plan to do so until I NEED to upgrade.
I'm running 37's on my d44 (EVO C2 gussets) with stock 4.10's and plan to do so until I NEED to upgrade.

But you admitted earlier that you do not take it off road and the most action is the speed bumps at the mall.....:standing wave:
I'm waiting to see what Eddie has to say about rubicat after jkx13. Rubicat is basically the way I'm looking to gear my rig!

Not sure I wanna drop the money for pr 60. And if a pr 44 could run a set of 40's if I'm carefull with the skinny pedal then I'd rather go that route lol
I'm waiting to see what Eddie has to say about rubicat after jkx13. Rubicat is basically the way I'm looking to gear my rig!

Not sure I wanna drop the money for pr 60. And if a pr 44 could run a set of 40's if I'm carefull with the skinny pedal then I'd rather go that route lol

You could probably get away with it if you wanted too but I wouldn't recommend it. We are running a PR44 on 37's with 5.13's and its awesome. A couple things to worry about...what are you running for gears on 40's? I wouldn't go any bigger than 5.13's in a 44, just too weak. Also what axle you running in the rear? We are already looking at some changes due to the "abuse or work" it's getting with 37's on our rubicon 44 rear. I couldn't imagine 40's. Now I'm not saying it can't be done but based on my experience with both PR44 with 37's and PR60 with 40's if you're looking at 40's go 60's. This is all my opinion so take it as you would like :thumb:
Well in reality 37"s are probably gonna be what I run (40's maybe one day, just to say I ran em) I don't get to see to many trails a year, maybe 4 or 5 once my schedule clears up.
I heard that D60 runs rough as a daily driver because the pumpkin's tight profile holds less fluid and runs hot.:hot:
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