To Eddie & The Minions of This Forum

Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

Welcome to Wayalife troll! :standing wave:
Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

Did you seriously just join the forum to be a complete idiot. Nope go away. 👉🚪
Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

Welcome to WAYALIFE. dimwitt!!!

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Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

and we have another :asshat:

or is this the same one with a new name:idontknow:
Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

You're welcome and thanks for making this your 3 post since signing up back in 2012. What a surprise that you're from Louisiana just like your banned buddy. Guess there isn't much to do down there aside from trolling forums you don't like. As I always like to say, don't like it here, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave :yup:
Never a dull day!

It's truly amazing how much free time someone has to waste it trolling a forum they don't like. My ol lady gets annoyed with me because I have no free time aside from my hobbies.... I couldn't imagine the grief I'd catch if I took up trolling! :grayno:
You're welcome and thanks for making this your 3 post since signing up back in 2012. What a surprise that you're from Louisiana just like your banned buddy. Guess there isn't much to do down there aside from trolling forums you don't like. As I always like to say, don't like it here, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave :yup:

Hahah I'm surprised they have internet
Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

It is not the fact that Eddie's opinion was different it was the fact that their feelings were hurt when someone thought otherwise. When you have your own forum you can do as you wish. Besides the advice and opinions on here are free to take or leave. Once people with thin skin and soft feeling understand the better life will be for all of us.

Minion Will
Thank you for saving us Eddie I don't know what i would do without you!!!!!!! The bad man was hurting me with his opinions that didn't match yours and the other minions in this forum.

What the Fuck another thread like this..... Can't you just grow up? U really joined to start shit like in high school? I thought we were adults here.... Guess not. Go act like a Damn child somewhere else! Some of us come here for information and to share stories, not act like fools! I enjoy coming here and I'm getting sick of seeing people bitch about it! Hey asshole, if u don't like it here, LEAVE!

Sent from my obama monitoring device
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