To Atlas or Not to Atlas that is the question.


New member
OK I have a 2009 JK Unlimited ex.
Currently has 37's with prorock 44 Front. 4:88 gears 6" lift. Raceline Alum bead-locks 3" backspace
Pro comp Longarm.
Moving up to 40x13.50 tires for Christmas
Due to running over something on the freeway my transfer case and driveshafts have to be replaced.

My insurance is cutting a check for a new transfer case and driveshafts due to damage.
OK here is the question
I can get a replacement 241 transfer case cheap. Save the cash do some other upgrades.
Spend some and get a rebuilt or low mile 241or 4:1 transfer case
Spend the cash and get a 4:3 or 5.0 "2 speed atlas". 2-3 week delivery lead time.

I live in Texas not California or Moab so ultra low 4speed atlas is not necessary.

Please give me some help to make decision.
I take my jeep out 4-5 times per year sometimes more.
Based on what you said and the amount you wheel, I'd say go with the 241 and use the $$$ elsewhere. That is unless others think the 241 isn't strong enough for 40's.


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