Thoughts on JKS quick disconnects


New member
Thoughts on JKS quick disconnects. I saw that for the JL, you have to cut a piece off to install. Does this mean you can never go back? What the general opinion on having to cut something like that off.
Thoughts on JKS quick disconnects. I saw that for the JL, you have to cut a piece off to install. Does this mean you can never go back? What the general opinion on having to cut something like that off.
Yes, you have to cut passenger side tab off the axel to utilize these links.
I had mine for over 80k miles no issue. If you want to go back tab will have to be welded back but you wont go back.
Good luck.
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I have them for my JK and while they're a little different than a JL, I will say that their finish has just not held up at all. Corroded pretty fast and so much so that they seized up and can't be adjusted anymore. Luckily they still operate just fine and haven't changed my lift height since adding them, but if I was to do it again I'd get a used Rubicon sway bar and add something like this:

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