So I took the family up to some high lakes nearby. I wouldn't call it wheeling by any means. My wife was driving the rig and it started sputtering. I had her pull under a tree and lifted the hood. Quickly noticed #4 plug wire was arcing against the exhaust manifold. Shut it down grabbed some needle nose did a field repair. Went to drive home the miss was very intermittent. Made it about 10 miles all was fine. Started getting codes and a limp mode. The wire got hot enough and burned through. With not enough to fix it. Said ah shit will buff. Just slow lane her home on 5 cylinders. I mean how many times does a coil pack go out and people run em for weeks? Make it another 8 miles. Top of the grade it died. Tried restarting no success coasted off the interstate into a nice starthistle asphalt patch lol. So there I am 100+ degrees 2 year old, wife, dogs lol. Asd kept shutting it down. Traced wires swapped fuses kept blowing the asd 1&2 fuse. So my first time in my life I had to have my vehicle towed home. Usually can oakie fix it enough to get there. Tear into it today, and wouldn't ya know? I bent the #4 rod. The motor is locked I can spin it back and forth about a 1/4 rotation until the rod contacts the cylinder. Man what the heck am I to do? In a perfect world it would get a 6.2 and 6l80... but cash is a little tight right now. A used 3.8 is $2,800 god I have a hard time even thinking about dropping that kind of money on a motor I am not super happy with. It had 60k on it.. anyone have any words of wisdom? lol