The Black Knight Transformer: Part Truck, Part Helicopter, All Bad Ass!!


Staff member
Check it out, a company called Advanced Tactics just built an amazing truck-helicopter complete with King coil overs!! It's for use in places where both flying and driving a truck would be needed, can travel on land at 70 MPH and about 150 MPH by air.

The Black Knight Transformer: Part Truck, Part Helicopter, All Bad Ass!!
This January, a military tech outfit called Advanced Tactics said they'd build a truck-helicopter hybrid that could fly just as easily as it could motor down the highway. "Never work," you say? Well, hold on to your brainballs because this mo' fucking trucklocopter just went for its first flight.







Here's a video of a scale model version of it in operation...

You can read all about it here:
wow, that thing looks interesting:thumb:

Modern Marvels did an episode called 'The Jeep' that included some really cool video footage of one of those Jeep helicopters. It used to be available on Youtube but I can't seem to find it now. I imagine there were copyright violations involved in it's removal.

Needless to say, the implementation never quite matched the excitement of the idea. :doh:
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