The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

If someone really enjoyed the content, why would they unsubscribe because of the ads? That's stupid.
Each ad typically has 5 seconds before you can skip it if it's not something you want to see.

This is the cost of the "free" entertainment venue.

It's no different than radio or TV commercials, except for the fact you can skip them after a mere 5 seconds.

Anyone who can't understand that someone has to pay for all this "free" stuff, should re think their life.
LOL - So, YouTube has made a recent change in how they deliver commercials with videos over a specified length of time now getting more of them. Of course, this is somehow our fault and for guys like Billy Crowell, it's enough to make him unsubscribe to our channel.

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Bitching about youtube commercials but I'd bet money these assholes have cable TV and spend hours a day watching commercials for content they PAID for.

I haven't had cable myself for almost 15 years because I got sick of paying for crap. And when I found something not crap paying to have advertisements shoved down my throat every 10 min. But if I'm watching something on Youtube it is something I want to watch. And I expect commercials cause I'm not paying a dime for the entertainment...
I may have to unsubscribe from this forum...I constantly see ads for flies I have bought from Orvis and The Fly Shop...
LOL - oh man, this one is a hoot! Jason A. Parker came onto our YouTube channel to talk shit on our PNW video and because somehow, the only way we get to do any of this stuff is because we're "rich" and get "free" shit. Here's what he said any my response...

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After seeing what I said on YouTube, he came onto our FB page and went off the deep end, check it out LOL!!


Gotta love losers like this douchebag :thumb:
LOL - I don't know what's more embarrassing, seeing grown men jealously whine about what other people have or seeing that others "like" what they have to say. Here's a comment that a T & T /A. 6_4. made on our more recent video.

LOL - here's a good one that I got from a Norm Meunier. Apparently, he doesn't care for the profanity I used in our recent video.

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LOL - seems that our most recent video has been a hit with the self-righteous in this world. Here's one that I got from a Charles Pridgen. Apparently, showing a moment of genuine frustration is unforgivable.

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Wow, who knew there were so many sinless people out there ready to cast stones. Here's one that I got from an Emanuel Andrade LOL

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The irony of these guys....

Matthew 7:3-5

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. -Jesus Christ

Man, they just keep coming. Albeit, this one from da coach was more being a bitch about us not wearing masks and not social distancing OUTSIDE but the self-righteous preaching was the same. :naw:

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